Ukraine: these countries are close to the Russian power which is now distancing itself from the Kremlin

It’s the same “territorial integrity of all countries” that China’s diplomacy chief Wang Yi had assured that China would ask for respect, when he met in New York with his Ukrainian counterpart days earlier. “The priority is to facilitate peace negotiations”said the Chinese minister on the occasion of the UN General Assembly, pleading for a “peaceful resolution of the crisis”. Until then, however, China had at times been accused by the West of adopting too conciliatory positions vis-à-vis Moscow, with whom it had drawn closer in recent decades to forming a common front in the face of US influence. Union.

Meanwhile, India’s External Affairs Minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, appealed from the same platform “dialogue and diplomacy”. “As the conflict in Ukraine raged, we were often asked which side we were on. And our responses, every time, were direct and honest. India is on the side of peace and will stand firm on it.”, did he state. Since the beginning of the conflict, New Delhi has refused to take a frontal position against the Russian offensive, as Russia is a major supplier in defense, noted RFI. Unlike China, it has good relations with the United States, and is also worried that Moscow will grow closer to Beijing.

Vladimir Putin has found himself under pressure from his partners, notably China and India, during the recent summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), an organization built as a counterweight to Western influence. Beijing and New Delhi have expressed concern or doubt about the war in Ukraine. “I know this is not the time for war”said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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