Ukraine talks: Putin recognizes the independence of Kherson and Zaporizhia

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From: Fabian Mueller

After the end of the bogus referendum, Russia wants to annex four Ukrainian territories by Friday. A ceremony with a “comprehensive speech” by Putin is planned. News bookmark.

Update from September 30, 9:55 am: In relation to the alleged sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, the Russian government has requested further clarification. Meanwhile, Moscow sees the primary responsibility for pipeline leaks in the Baltic Sea with the United States. “But it is clear that the main beneficiary (of the pipeline explosion), especially economically, is the United States,” National Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev told the Interfax news agency on Friday at a meeting with the intelligence chiefs of the CIS countries. .

Patrushev also accused the West of waging a campaign against Russia when the leak was discovered. The ultimate goal of the Russian secret service now is to uncover “clients and agents of crime”. Former intelligence chief Patrushev also asked the CIS countries for help, a loose association of ex-Soviet countries.

Putin recognizes Kherson and Zaporizhia independence – and plans “comprehensive speech”

Update from September 30, 06:20: Vladimir Putin recognizes the independence of Kherson and Zaporizhia. The presidential decree stated that the “sovereignty and independence of the state” of the two regions of southern Ukraine had been decided. A ceremony is planned for Friday in Moscow, during which Kherson, Zaporizhia, Luhansk and Donetsk will be annexed.

Moscow recognized the self-declared independence of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics on February 24, days before the start of the Ukraine war. Last Tuesday, the multi-day “referendum” ended in four areas deemed illegal by the Ukrainian government and Western countries such as Germany. According to the pro-Russian authorities there, in this “false referendum” (Olaf Scholz), the majority of the population agreed to be incorporated into Russian territory.

At the Friday afternoon ceremony with the President Wladimir Putin the agreement must be signed, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced. Putin will give a “comprehensive speech” at the ceremony.

Want to enlarge Russia: Vladimir Putin © Ilya Naymushin/imago

Putin Calls Erdogan: Nord Stream’s Sabotage “An Act of Terrorism”

Update from September 29, 20:54: Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced the alleged sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline as an “act of international terrorism”. In a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Putin expressed his opinion “about this unprecedented act of sabotage, which is actually an act of international terrorism,” the Kremlin said on Thursday.

Two leaks in Sweden and two in the Danish economic zone were found in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines from Russia to Germany in the Baltic Sea. Gas has been escaping from this leak since Monday, causing the formation of a violent bubble in the Baltic Sea. Western countries also suspect acts of sabotage. Russia has therefore appealed to the UN Security Council, which will meet on Friday.

Update from September 29, 6:48 pm: UN Secretary-General António Guterres sharply condemned Russia’s announced annexation of Ukrainian territory, describing it as legally worthless. “It is not in accordance with international law. It goes against everything the international community should stand for,” Guterres said in New York Thursday. The Kremlin’s announcement is a dangerous escalation, has “no place in the modern world” and should not be accepted.

Guterres previously described the possible annexation of Russian-occupied territories in Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia and Cherson as a violation of international law.

Security Council of Ukraine meets – it’s about annexation by Russia

Update from September 29, 4:08 PM: The National Security Council met in Ukraine this Friday (30 September) with a view to Russia’s annexation plans in eastern and southern Ukraine. “President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will soon hold a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine tomorrow,” Presidential Spokesman Serhiy Nykyforov said on Facebook. The agenda and other details will be communicated later, he said.

The Security Council is the body chaired by the President of Ukraine. These include heads of the army and intelligence services, ministers of defense and interior and other government officials.

Ukraine-News: US wants China and India to mediate with Putin

Update from September 29, 2:59 PM: US wants China and India to prevent Vladimir Putin from considering his alleged nuclear strike. That report political. “You can convey to Mr. Putin that using nuclear weapons would be a very bad idea,” the US newspaper quoted an unnamed US official involved in the offer as saying.

Putin created a fact: On Friday (30 September) he wanted to make the four regions of Ukraine part of Russian territory.
Putin created a fact: On Friday (30 September) he wanted to make the four regions of Ukraine part of Russian territory. © Gavriil Grigorov/Kremlin Pool/Imago

Various countries in the Pacific region – both allies and foes – came from governments under the President Joe Biden have been contacted with a request. “Every country has an obligation to talk about this issue,” a senior US official said.

Russia wants to complete annexation – ceremony planned

First report from September 29: Moscow – As announced by the Kremlin, the four Ukrainian territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Cherson and Zaporizhia will be officially annexed on Friday (30 September) and thus declared as Russian state territory. At the Friday afternoon ceremony with the President Wladimir Putin the agreement must be signed, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced on Thursday. Putin will give a “comprehensive speech” at the ceremony.

Ukrainian-Russian news: annexation of Ukrainian territory on Friday

At the same time, the Kremlin spokesman stressed that this is not about Putin’s speech at the Federal Assembly – namely the two chambers of Russia’s parliament. This has to happen later. Both chambers have announced that they will decide on annexation on Monday and Tuesday.

In the four regions of Ukraine last week the so-called referendum occurred, which was internationally criticized as a bogus vote. According to the separatists, nearly 100 percent of the population there supports annexation to Russia. On Wednesday (September 28) local separatist leaders formally requested Putin’s annexation.

Ukraine-Russia-News: Preparations for annexation in Moscow are underway

Separatist leaders from four Russian-controlled areas in Ukraine already on Wednesday evening (September 28) arrived in Moscown to attend the ceremony. Russian President Vladimir Putin apparently wants to accept the four men.

Celebrations for the annexation were already being prepared in Moscow. Apparently, there should also be a celebration on Friday (30 September). Authorities announced that downtown streets would be closed for the day, especially around Red Square. (dpa/afp)

Ambrose Fernandez

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