Ukraine News: Putin finds allies

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From: Tobias Utz

Russia was largely marginalized internationally in the Ukraine war. Now old allies are standing on Putin’s side.

Havana/Moscow – Given almost exactly nine months ago Wladimir Putin over one hundred thousand Russian troops ordered an invasion of Ukraine. Prior to that, he stationed them on the border, and many threats followed. Plans follow threats. Plans, many fail. This included several attempts to conquer Donbass, to the east Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Putin apparently lacks support from the Russian public. To get the people behind he was said to be planning a “false flag” attack. According to military experts, this should be “Institute for War Studies” to join the Ukrainian army. However, Russia continues to seek allies in the international community. President Putin now appears to have found another partnership.

Ukrainian War: Russia is isolated internationally

On Tuesday (22 November) Vladimir Putin met Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Moscow. The Cuban president praised the military approach of the Russian army. He also accused NATO of violating Russia’s borders. This is “unacceptable,” Diaz-Canel said. Confusingly, he was referring to the deadly rocket attack in Poland a few days ago. It’s probably a missile from the Ukrainian army.

This photo provided by the Kremlin Press Office shows Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, holding an impromptu press conference on the recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine at the Grand Kremlin Palace. © Sergey Guneev / Kremlin Pool / Zuma Wire / dpa

Relations between Russia and Cuba are not entirely new. For a long time, nations have been united in a special way by sharp criticism of NATO. What is new, however, is the reference to the Ukraine war: a clear critique of the sanctions against Russia and the military alliance strategy in Ukrainian conflict The Cuban president has not disclosed it. Diaz-Canel cheered Russia on at the meeting in Moscowto claim their rights. Putin later stated that Cuba was a “very important partner”.

Putin and Diaz-Canel earlier unveiled a three-meter-tall bronze monument honoring Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. Castro, who died in 2016, was “one of the brightest and most charismatic leaders of the turbulent and dramatic 20th century,” Putin said, according to the state agency. interfax. “A truly legendary personality,” said the President of Russia.

In his speech, Putin referred to the last conversation he had with Castro in 2014. At that time, Castro emphasized that everyone has “the right to free development and to choose their own path,” according to the Russian president. However, he left open what it means concretely for the Ukrainian war.

Editor’s Note

Some of the information comes from warring factions in the Ukrainian conflict. Some of these cannot be immediately independently verified.

(do it with dpa/AFP)

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