Top Tech News, from cybersecurity to Touch ID on iPhone 15

Jakarta: summarizes the most popular technology news or the most read news from Monday, October 4, 2022 that readers of might have missed.

Below, presents a summary of each of the most popular technology news along with accessible links to access the complete news of the three most popular technology news.

Southeast Asian hybrid workers are becoming the target of cybercriminals

As hybrid and remote work systems continue to be deployed in Southeast Asia, Kaspersky claims to have foiled more than 47 million Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) attacks in the region in the first half of 2022.

The number of Bruteforce.Generic.RDP targeting remote workers in the region recorded a total of 47,802,037 incidents from January to June this year. On average, the solution blocks 265,567 brute force attacks in Southeast Asia per day.

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Read “Hybrid Workers in Southeast Asia Targeted by Cybercriminals” at here.

Santri Impression app launches Maulid functionality

Welcoming the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, the Impressions app has officially launched the Maulid feature. With the presence of this feature, users can not only read the various maulids but also listen to the chants.

Kesan Application CEO Hamdan Hamedan explained that the great interest in birthday reading was the reason behind the development of this feature. Additionally, Muslims in Indonesia regularly read the maulid both in the month of Prophet Muhammad’s birth, Rabiul Awal, and outside of that month.

Read “Impression Santri app unleashes Maulid functionality” on here.

No Touch ID on iPhone 15

Lately, it has been reported that Apple wants to go back to using Touch ID technology on its flagship model in its new line of smartphones, the iPhone 15. However, rumors are circulating that Apple is unlikely to bring it back in the near future. .

Currently, Apple is said to be carrying out extensive testing in a bid to bring back the feature that was replaced by Face ID on the 2017 iPhone X to its smartphones.

Read “No Touch ID on iPhone 15” on here.


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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