Tonight on TV: one of the greatest murals in cinema history – Actus Ciné

Every day, AlloCiné recommends a movie to (re)watch on TV. Tonight: biographies of peaceful historical figures.

In 1962, Richard Attenborough was asked by Motilal Kothari, a member of the High Commission of India in London, to make a biographical film about Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Twenty years were required for the filmmaker to complete this project: the river film lasting 3h10 retraces the life of this 20th century main character, who worked peacefully for India’s independence.

Epic and romantic, Gandhi competed with the wall painting giants of Hollywood history thanks to the means of the pharaohs (budget 22 million dollars). To cite just one example, the funeral rite scene can count on an extra 400,000 participation record!

In the title role, Ben Kingsley – whose real name is Krishna Bhanji -, an Englishman of Indian descent through his father, delivers outstanding compositions. His physical resemblance is such that many Indians mistake him for the ghost of Gandhi’s reincarnation. A major figure in theatre, confined to television and supporting roles, the actor saw his film career launch at a rapid pace. Indeed, his performance was appreciated by the New York Film Critics Award, the Golden Globe and especially by the Oscar for Best Actor.

The film also left 7 other statuettes at the ceremony: Best Picture, Best Direction, Best Original Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Set, Best Costume, and Best Editing. With an average viewer rating of 4.1 out of 5, Gandhi is Internet user AlloCiné’s favorite feature film among Richard Attenborough’s filmography.

Gandhi by Richard Attenborough with Ben Kingsley, Edward Fox, Martin Sheen…

Tonight at Arte at 8:50pm.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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