they are 120 years old in cousins

They come from all over France and also from other regions, such as Chile and India.

“The bond is always very strong”

The ten families descended from the union of Eugénie and Georges Redon that was sealed in 1922 were reunited for the first time in a cousin which brought together about 120 people who were invited.

+ Loir-en-Vallee. Eighty people in cousins

Even today, many members of the Redon and Bouglet families are well-established and well-known in the new town of Sarthe, Bernay-Neuvy in Champagne, as well as in neighboring towns.

“There is no event other than a funeral”

We have no other chance than the cemetery to find ourselves. The bonds have always been very strong in this family. Once again it is necessary to have a festive family reunion commented Murielle Cerizay, one of his descendants.

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And to do this, it took ten cousins ​​or cousins ​​more than a year to prepare for this meeting which, moreover, allowed many people to get to know each other.

Souvenir photo on the Domaine de Trangé ranch

At the end of the afternoon, in the village of Trangé, on the Domaine farm, run by one of the descendants of the Redon family, everyone is there for a commemorative photo. For sure it will remain in the family archive album.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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