The Philippines, the nearest country, used the electronic voting system for the elections, here are 4 other countries

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – System electronic voting Where electronic voting is a method used to record, count and process votes entered during an election using electronic devices. In fact, this electoral method has already started to be used in several countries outside of Indonesia.

These countries certainly apply electronic voting because it has many advantages. Also mentioned benefits in review titled Electronic voting: necessity vs. Preparation (Home) E-Democracy, one of which is more profitable because it can reduce resource expenditure. Moreover, in election during counting and processing will be more precise and detailed.

Election of 5 countries with electronic voting

So, which countries have used this electronic voting method? Here are five, as follows:


In India, there are a lot of problems when it comes to voting. One of them is fraud like fake ballots and high prizes. This prompted the Electoral Commission to engineer electronic voting into a machine or EVM.

In the journal titled Election monitoring in India in 2007, said that this innovation was designed directly by electronic society of india which cooperates directly with the Electoral Commission. Electronic voting is considered easier to use, simpler and less prone to manipulation. Moreover, it is fixed in a certain period of time.

Although it was achieved in stages, it had begun to improve during the national and legislative elections of 2004. At that time, nearly 1.075 million EVMs had been used. Then, the Commission of this country also took the political decision to spread the vote over several days.


The next country that used electronic voting is Brazil. This method was first introduced in 1996, when it was tried in the state of Santa Catarina. According to the journal titled Prospects and Challenges of Electronic Voting in Indonesia, this method officially began in 2002, deploying up to 400,000 electronic voting machines throughout Brazil. One thing one feels when starting this system is that it can find faster results within minutes.


In the journal titled The Development of Remote Electronic Voting Around the World: A Review of Roads and Directions released in 2022, Estonia offered the first legally binding voting method using electronic voting in October 2005.

Then began nationwide on March 3, 2007. The election was held over two days and saw as many as 30,275 people exercise their right to vote via the Internet. Then continue in subsequent years with more users, such as 2009, 2011, etc.


In January 2007, the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party organized presidential elections using the electronic voting method, as well as 750 TPS equipped with touch screens. A total of 230,000 votes were cast, representing 70% of the electoral lists.

Previously, the election by electronic voting was organized for the first time in 2003. This allowed French citizens residing abroad to easily participate in the elections. More than 60% of voters exercise their rights via the Internet instead of using paper voting.


In 2010, the Philippines held its first electronic election. The types of electronic voting used in this country are optical scanning voting system. The government has provided $160 million to finance the system, including the purchase of EVMs, printers, servers, generators, memory cards, batteries and satellite transmission equipment.

However, when the implementation was not as nice as expected, it was reported that when pre-test this machine experienced a memory card failure, which accounts for almost 76,000 of the total 82,000 optical scanning machines. Then, during a new attempt in May 2010, KPU Philippines reported that only 400 of 82,000 electronic voting machines were not working. Most voters complain about the long lines and the time it takes to learn new technologies.


Lily: 3 types of electronic voting method, which one is best for Indonesian elections?

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Jordan Carlson

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