The origins of tug of war, was once an Olympic sport

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Race tug of war Hasanudin University Alumni Association or IKA Unhas Makassar made one person killed. The victim’s head died, as a road barrier formed. The contest was also held to break the MURI record.

In Indonesia, tug of war is one of them Game people who played often. Usually when celebrating Independence Day on August 17th. But, in fact, the game exists in different countries.

The origins of tug of war

As far as the Tug of War Association (TOWA) is concerned, there is no definite record of when and where the tug of war game appeared. Several manuscripts show that tug of war was played by ancient inhabitants from Egypt, Burma, India, Borneo, Japan, Korea, Hawaii, South America.

Read: Tug of War Deadly MURI IKA Record Unhas Makassar, 1 killed 8 wounded

The tug of war game has many variations around the world. In Afghanistan, tug of war is done using wooden stakes instead of ropes to pull. In Korea, children wrap their arms around each other’s waists to form an arm wrestle.

Olympic tug of war

Currently, tug of war is played as entertainment or simply as a contest of physical strength. However, in Greece in 500 BC, tug of war was practiced as a competitive sport by some professional athletes.

Other documents also show that tug of war has been around since 1000 AD. At that time, tug of war was said to be played by champions from Scandinavian countries and Germany in the event named Kraftige Spiele or power play

Considered to have historic records as a competitive game, tug of war entered as one of the official Olympic sports in 1900. At that time, the Olympics were held in France. Sweden won the gold medal for the tug of war game.

From then on, tug of war became an official and highly anticipated game during the Olympic Games from 1900 to 1920. In 1920, the International Olympic Committee (KOI) decided to reduce the number of Olympic participants. The reduction in participants was achieved by removing several sports, including tug of war.

Tug of war made its own competition

After tug of war was no longer an Olympic sport, the British Tug-of-war Association sought to work with officials in Sweden. The goal was to create the first international tug of war competition.

The first international competition was finally held at the Baltic Games in Malmö, Sweden in 1960. At that time, the International Tug of War Federation (TWIF) was joined by four countries, namely England, Sweden, the Netherlands and Denmark.

After that, competition This first international, TWIF, organized the European Tug of War Championships in 1965 at Crystal Palace in London. Since then, periodically, the European Championship was held until 1975.

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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