The next traffic light crisis? Suddenly the Green Party was in a political mental hospital

From: Nadja Aswad and Jan W. Schäfer

The traffic light government is on its way to the next fight!

It’s about a sharp change in asylum policy. After the FDP, more and more SPD politicians pushed for stricter policies.

Meaning: The next Green Party implosion is just around the corner!

► SPD interior ministers speak out in internal loops for safer countries of origin (including the Maghreb, India). According to SPD parliamentary group deputy Dirk Wiese (40), the ministerial paper is “a good basis for taking necessary and timely decisions”.

Problem: The Green Party has done nothing so far!

► FDP has a 5-point plan (available from BILD). The demands put forward include: prepaid cards versus cash for refugees, fewer benefits for rejected asylum seekers, and a ban on sending money to countries of origin.

According to the head of the FDP parliamentary group Christian Dürr (46), “load limits have long been exceeded in many cities. We must also ensure that illegal migration is reduced significantly in Germany.”

The problem here too: the Green Party is doing nothing.

Among other things, the deputy president of the parliamentary group, Andreas Audretsch (39), warned about “bureaucratic madness” when switching to benefits in kind. NRW Refugee Ministry warned against “disproportionate interference” with the personal rights of asylum seekers.

There is at least agreement between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP on one thing: that refugees who have the prospect of remaining (for example from Ukraine) can find work as quickly as possible.

Nevertheless: The next traffic light problem is already programmed! This is because the Green Party base is also rebelling. The asylum course implemented by the current traffic light government is too harsh for him.

Green Party at the sanctuary party!

When asked by BILD, a spokesman for party leader Omid Nouripour, 48, only referred to a “Stern” interview at the beginning of the month. There, Nouripour once again spoke out against safe origin states and explained: “In individual states, this is often accepted and used as a marker of the quality of their own human rights situation. Algeria, for example, cannot obtain such a seal. There are systematic human rights violations.”

Ambrose Fernandez

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