The Myth of Lemuria, the Missing Continent of Human Birth in the Indian Ocean : Okezone News

JAKARTA – In this modern age, technological progress has developed rapidly, but there are still many mysteries of the world that raise questions for many people. one of which is mystery about the existence of Lemuria, the submerged continent beneath the Indian Ocean.

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Apparently, the long-lost continent is home to a giant humanoid species, one that actually went extinct thousands of years ago.

This theory first appeared in 1864 by British zoologist Philip Scalter in an article titled “The Mammals of Madagascar”published in the Quarterly Journal of Science.

Scalter, who was looking for an explanation for a biogeographical phenomenon, which deals with the geographical distribution of different species around the world over time, came up with the Lemurian theory. The expert claims that Lemuria is a continent that has become an ancient land bridge connecting Madagascar, Australia and the southern tip of India.

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He proposed that Madagascar and India be connected as part of a very large continent. Scalter correctly assumed the existence of Mauritia, a proven submerged microcontinent, which connected the two countries 70 million years ago before separating and sinking.

Mauritius was only discovered by experts in 2017.

Scalter says the lost continent should be called Lemuria, after the lemurs. In 1870 Scalter wrote in a book about Lemuria, which he believed to be the first homeland of mankind.

“It is likely that the continent was the ancient home or ‘heaven’ here. Lemuria is a tropical continent that currently lies below the surface of the Indian Ocean, an ancient tertiary existence that seems very likely from the many facts of animal and plant geography,” Scalter wrote in his book. The news of the vintage.

During this time, Scalter’s theory developed rapidly and was very popular among Victorian occultists. One of these occultists was Helena Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophy movement. Blavatsky also convinced followers of his religion that Lemuria, as a lost continent, was the cradle of humanity.

Lemurian representation in the movie Aquaman.

He said the human ancestors there were called Lemurians, a mystical society of creatures that lived in heaven on earth. In his 1888 book, “The Secret Doctrine”Blavatsky proposed that Lemurians were one of the seven ancient “root races” of mankind.

The lemurs themselves are considered by him to be hermaphrodites reaching 15 feet (about 4.5 meters) with four arms that ran wild with the dinosaurs. To this day, there are still people who believe that Lemurians are still alive at that time.

Moreover, Lemuria is considered important for the Tamil people as the continent is a sign of the legitimacy of the existence of Kumari Kandam, the cradle of civilization, which is home to 48 colonies of the ancient Tamils.

Although the scientific credibility of Lemuria has long faded, the theory persists in the contemporary popular imagination. In the Aquaman comics, Lemurians rule the lands of the Seven Kingdoms in the series.

The lost continent theory was actually very shocking to the public at that time. Where expert Scalter suggested the existence of ancient geological formations before anyone knew about continental drift and plate tectonics.

But unfortunately, because of the emergence of the concept of continental drift and plate tectonics over time. Scalter’s view of Lemuria as “a sinking continent” could no longer be defended. But some people still believe that Lemuria is a continent that actually existed in the past.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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