The looks of 2 Indian politicians who insult Islam is the news until the governor of Aceh expels the Indian ambassador

The looks of 2 Indian politicians who insult Islam is the news until the governor of Aceh expels the Indian ambassador

SERAMBINEWS.COM – Two politicians from India’s ruling party, Naveen Kumar Jindal and Nupur Sharma, have been accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad.

Both are currently the enemies of Muslims around the world.

Nupur Sharma, who is the spokesperson for the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), made the remarks during a televised debate in late May.

He posted remarks that insulted Prophet Muhammad and Aisyah RA.

Bharatiya Janata Hindu Nationalist Party (BJP) Spokesperson Nupur Sharma (Facebook/Nupur Sharma)

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Then Naveen Kumar Jindal, who is the party’s unit media chief in Delhi, tweeted much the same.

The statement that offends Muslims has brought India into the midst of a diplomatic relations nightmare.

On Sunday (5/6/2022), the BJP suspended Nupur Sharma from the party.

The head of the Delhi party’s media cell, Naveen Kumar Jindal, was also expelled and met the same fate as his colleague.

In a statement, the BJP said their statements were against any “ideology” that insults or demeans religion.

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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