The Indian Chamber of Commerce successfully organizes the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week

Kolkata, May 17, 2023: The Indian Chamber of Commerce organized the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week in Rabindra Tirtha, New Town on the 16thth May 2023, which aimed to raise awareness of road safety and promote sustainable transport alternatives. The event was attended by distinguished speakers and a diverse audience including students, residents and key road safety stakeholders. Notable speakers included Dr. Sujoy Biswas, Director and CEO of Techno India, Mr. Manas Ranjan Sahoo, Zone Head East, Corporate Communications, LIC, Mr. Sudipta Mukherjee, Member of Health and Safety Committee, Indian Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Dilip Panda, President, Safe India.

Mr Sudipta Mukherjee, member of the Indian Chamber of Commerce’s Health and Safety Committee, commented to the event, saying, “As an individual living in a country, I firmly believe that the development of a nation is closely linked to the advancement of its infrastructure, and a crucial aspect of this is the road network.” Roads serve as vital Arteries that connect different regions and enable the smooth flow of goods, services and people. Personally, I have experienced the importance of good roads in my daily life as I rely on them for commuting and traveling in my own vehicle. In today’s fast-paced world where time is of the essence, many people, myself included, strive to achieve their goals as quickly as possible. However, in our quest for efficiency and productivity, we sometimes tend to overlook the importance of road safety. This carelessness can lead to an increase in accidents and endanger not only our lives but also the well-being of other road users. It is discouraging to see the increasing number of accidents happening over time. However, I firmly believe that we can mitigate this risk by being more careful when traveling on the road. Statistics show that a staggering 70% of accidents are due to a lack of care and attention from drivers. This underscores the urgent need for us, as responsible people at the wheel, to be more vigilant and considerate at the wheel. As a responsible citizen, I know the importance of obeying traffic laws, obeying speed limits, and avoiding distractions like using the phone while driving. By making a conscious effort to be more careful and vigilant on the road, we can significantly reduce the frequency of accidents and make our journeys safer for everyone involved. In addition, I believe that road safety is not the sole responsibility of government or law enforcement. It is a shared responsibility that belongs to each of us. By promoting awareness campaigns, organizing workshops and actively participating in road safety discussions, together we can help create a culture of responsible driving. Be alert and be alive.”

dr Sujoy Biswas, Director and CEO of Techno India addressed the audience on road safety challenges. He said, “Road safety is a global concern that requires collective action. By walking hand in hand and sharing best practices, we can create a safer road environment for everyone. The 7th UN Global Road Safety Week was an important milestone in improving road safety and promoting sustainable transport. Through advances in technology, we have the potential to transform transportation, making it safer and more sustainable. By leveraging innovations such as intelligent transportation systems and electric mobility solutions, we can create a future where road safety is a priority. By working together, we can save lives and improve the health and well-being of all. There are five steps to improving road safety, followed by using public transportation that promotes equity and health for people and the planet. Safety must be at the heart of efforts to envision mobility, and road networks must be designed with the most vulnerable in mind. All people walk and cycle safely contribute to health and sustainability, and ultimately a safer, more affordable, more accessible and sustainable public transport many of the road-related issues.”

Expressing his commitment to road safety, Mr. Manas Ranjan Sahoo, Zonal Head East, Corporate Communication, LIC said: “Road safety is a shared responsibility and together we can create a culture of safe and responsible use of the roads. By educating people about road safety, we can achieve a significant reduction in road accidents. Strict enforcement of traffic rules and regulations is essential to ensure compliance and deter reckless behavior. At the same time, education and awareness campaigns are crucial to instill responsibility in all road users and promote safer transport practices.”

Mr. Dilip Panda, President of Safe India, commented on the organization’s initiatives to promote road safety. He stated: “Safe India remains committed to raising awareness, advocating for policy change and implementing effective measures to reduce road accidents and fatalities. We believe in the power of education, infrastructure improvements and strict enforcement of traffic rules. Road safety requires collaboration between government agencies, civil society organizations and the private sector. Together we can create a comprehensive framework that takes a holistic approach to the challenges of road safety. Road safety is a priority and requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders to address this issue. The government is implementing comprehensive measures to improve road safety, including infrastructure upgrades, awareness campaigns and strict enforcement of traffic rules. Together we can make our streets safer for everyone. By integrating sustainable transportation options like bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, we can create cities that are safer, healthier and greener. We are focused on creating smart cities that prioritize the safety and well-being of our citizens. Road safety must be an integral part of our city planning efforts. Local communities play a crucial role in maintaining road safety standards. Through awareness campaigns and proactive actions, we can build a safe and resilient city. We must prioritize road safety and work towards creating a culture of responsible driving. Through initiatives like the UN Global Road Safety Week, we can raise awareness and encourage the adoption of more sustainable modes of transport, leading to a safer and greener environment.”

Sybil Alvarez

"Incurable gamer. Infuriatingly humble coffee specialist. Professional music advocate."

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