The importance of German exports to China is decreasing

Port of Hamburg

Only 6.2 percent of German exports went to China in the first half of this year.

(Photo: dpa)

Berlin For years, German companies have benefited from high exports to China. The People’s Republic is like the German machine of prosperity. But those times are over. This is shown by a study conducted by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), which was made available to Handelsblatt earlier. Therefore, the importance of German exports to the second largest economy in the world is decreasing.

According to the analysis, exports have recently been much weaker than expected given China’s economic growth. This is not due to the fact that Germany wants to become more economically independent from China, but quite the opposite. China wants to become more independent in exports from other countries in order to be less dependent on them.

According to an IfW analysis, German exports to China have been shrinking for years. From 2018 to 2022, in real terms this figure has fallen by 7.5 percent. As a result, China’s role as a trading partner has declined again compared to other countries.

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