The FPI at PA 212 will attack the Indian Embassy tomorrow


FPI, PA 212, until GNPF Ulama will buzz Indian Embassy in Jakarta tomorrow. The action was the result of insults to the Prophet Muhammad by Indian politicians.

Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI) DPP Chairman Aziz Yanuar confirmed the action plan. He said 3,000 people will attend the action.

“We are targeting 3-4,000 people to voice their aspirations for depravity and barbarism and the behavior of India’s insolent Zionist model who is ignorant, racist, fascist and Islamophobic,” Azis told reporters on Thursday (16/ 6/2022). .

Aziz said a number of FPI and PA 212 figures would be present, in Buya Ahmad Qurtubi Jaelani, Muhammad Alatas, Ali Alatas, Slamet Maarif, Ahmad Shabri Lubis, Khawit Masyhuri, Habib Hanif Alatas, Habib Novel Chaidir Hasan Bamukmin , to Abdul Qohar Al Qudsy .

“We call for STOP ISLAMOPHOBIA in India. Stop the oppression of Muslims in India. Stop insulting and blaspheming Islam in India. Or kick out Indian Ambassador. Boycott Indian products. Kick out Indians,” a- he declared.

Meanwhile, according to the poster circulating, the action reads “Action 1706. The call to Jihad returns”. Defend the action of the Prophet.

The action is scheduled to begin at Friday prayers. Participants in the action will also perform Friday prayers at the mosque around the Indian Embassy.

Watch the video “Police Arrest Hundreds of Demonstrators Protesting by Insulting the Prophet Muhammad”:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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