Tata Steel Chess India Rapid & Blitz – Tata Steel Chess India Rapid & Blitz – News / International

The fourth edition of Tata Steel Chess India Rapide & Blitz takes place from November 29 to December 4, 2022, this year with two tournaments: a women’s event and an open event. Prize amounts will be the same for men and women. Location: Bhasha Bhawan, National Library of India, in Kolkata (Kolkata since 2001), the third largest city in the country after Delhi and Bombay. Official site https://tatasteelchess.in

Fast 10 player tournaments, November 29, December 30 and 1, with 3 turns per day, at a 15-minute pace for the entire game in 10-second increments per move. $10,000 for premieres and premieres. 2nd $5,000, 3rd 4,000, 4th 3,000, 5th 2,000.

10 player blitz tournament, on December 3 and 4, with 9 rounds per day, at a pace of 3 minutes in 2 second increments per move. $7,500 to 1 and 1, 2 4,000, 3 3,000, 4 2,000, 5 1,000

list of participants

Wesley So
Hikaru Nakamura
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov
Nodirbek Abdusatorov
parham Maghsoodloo
Look Gujarati
Arjuna Erigaisi
d. Gukesh
R Praggnananda demolish
nothing Sarin
Sethuraman MISS fast
Anna Muzychuk
Mariya Muzychuk
girl Dzagnidze
Anna Ushenina
Olivia Kiolbasa
Koneru Cottage
Harika Dronavalli
R Vaishali
Bhakti Kulkarni demolish
savitha Sri
Vantika Agarwal fast

Viswanathan AnandTata Steel Chess India Ambassador, said: “I am happy that today chess is considered a mainstream sport. Tournaments such as Tata Steel Chess India, where our young players compete against international grandmasters, go a long way to developing new champions. Today, India is considered a chess powerhouse with both men and women excelling in the sport. The introduction of a women’s tournament, with identical prizes to the men’s category, was a welcome decision and an excellent initiative. Chess is and should be a fair sport. »

Tania Sachdev expressed his joy at the introduction of the women’s category at Tata Steel Chess India. She echoed that the introduction of equal prize money in Tata Steel Chess India will encourage more women to take the sport as a profession.

Quick Tournament Results: Open and Women

Rating family name Res family name Rating
2616 Nihal Sarin ½-½ Nakamura Hikaru 2789
2676 Abdusatorov 0-1 Erigaisi Arjun 2628
2662 Vidit Santosh ½-½ Maghsoodloo 2656
2632 Gukesh D 0-1 Mamedyarov 2747
2545 Sethuraman SP ½-½ So Wesley 2784
2789 Nakamura Hikaru 0-1 So Wesley 2784
2747 Mamedyarov 1-0 Sethuraman SP 2545
2656 Maghsoodloo 0-1 Gukesh D 2632
2628 Erigaisi Arjun ½-½ Vidit Santosh 2662
2616 Nihal Sarin ½-½ Abdusatorov 2676
2676 Abdusatorov Nakamura Hikaru 2789
2662 Vidit Santosh Nihal Sarin 2616
2632 Gukesh D Erigaisi Arjun 2628
2545 Sethuraman SP Maghsoodloo 2656
2784 So Wesley Mamedyarov 2747
2789 Nakamura Hikaru Mamedyarov 2747
2656 Maghsoodloo So Wesley 2784
2628 Erigaisi Arjun Sethuraman SP 2545
2616 Nihal Sarin Gukesh D 2632
2676 Abdusatorov Vidit Santosh 2662
2662 Vidit Santosh Nakamura Hikaru 2789
2632 Gukesh D Abdusatorov 2676
2545 Sethuraman SP Nihal Sarin 2616
2784 So Wesley Erigaisi Arjun 2628
2747 Mamedyarov Maghsoodloo 2656
2789 Nakamura Hikaru Maghsoodloo 2656
2628 Erigaisi Arjun Mamedyarov 2747
2616 Nihal Sarin So Wesley 2784
2676 Abdusatorov Sethuraman SP 2545
2662 Vidit Santosh Gukesh D 2632
2632 Gukesh D Nakamura Hikaru 2789
2545 Sethuraman SP Vidit Santosh 2662
2784 So Wesley Abdusatorov 2676
2747 Mamedyarov Nihal Sarin 2616
2656 Maghsoodloo Erigaisi Arjun 2628
2789 Nakamura Hikaru Erigaisi Arjun 2628
2616 Nihal Sarin Maghsoodloo 2656
2676 Abdusatorov Mamedyarov 2747
2662 Vidit Santosh So Wesley 2784
2632 Gukesh D Sethuraman SP 2545
2545 Sethuraman SP Nakamura Hikaru 2789
2784 So Wesley Gukesh D 2632
2747 Mamedyarov Vidit Santosh 2662
2656 Maghsoodloo Abdusatorov 2676
2628 Erigaisi Arjun Nihal Sarin 2616
Rating family name Res family name Rating
2458 Muzychuk Anna 0-1 Humpy Kone 2474
2476 Muzychuk Mariya 1-0 Vantika Agrawal 2262
2311 Savitha Shri B 0-1 Dzagnidze Nana 2475
2351 Vaishali R ½-½ Harika Dronavalli 2475
2304 Oliwia Kiolbasa 0-1 Ushenin Anna 2371
2474 Humpy Kone ½-½ Ushenin Anna 2371
2475 Harika Dronavalli 1-0 Oliwia Kiolbasa 2304
2475 Dzagnidze Nana 1-0 Vaishali R 2351
2262 Vantika Agrawal 1-0 Savitha Shri B 2311
2458 Muzychuk Anna ½-½ Muzychuk Mariya 2476
2476 Muzychuk Mariya ½-½ Humpy Kone 2474
2311 Savitha Shri B ½-½ Muzychuk Anna 2458
2351 Vaishali R 1-0 Vantika Agrawal 2262
2304 Oliwia Kiolbasa 0-1 Dzagnidze Nana 2475
2371 Ushenin Anna ½-½ Harika Dronavalli 2475
2474 Humpy Kone Harika Dronavalli 2475
2475 Dzagnidze Nana Ushenin Anna 2371
2262 Vantika Agrawal Oliwia Kiolbasa 2304
2458 Muzychuk Anna Vaishali R 2351
2476 Muzychuk Mariya Savitha Shri B 2311
2311 Savitha Shri B Humpy Kone 2474
2351 Vaishali R Muzychuk Mariya 2476
2304 Oliwia Kiolbasa Muzychuk Anna 2458
2371 Ushenin Anna Vantika Agrawal 2262
2475 Harika Dronavalli Dzagnidze Nana 2475
2474 Humpy Kone Dzagnidze Nana 2475
2262 Vantika Agrawal Harika Dronavalli 2475
2458 Muzychuk Anna Ushenin Anna 2371
2476 Muzychuk Mariya Oliwia Kiolbasa 2304
2311 Savitha Shri B Vaishali R 2351
2351 Vaishali R Humpy Kone 2474
2304 Oliwia Kiolbasa Savitha Shri B 2311
2371 Ushenin Anna Muzychuk Mariya 2476
2475 Harika Dronavalli Muzychuk Anna 2458
2475 Dzagnidze Nana Vantika Agrawal 2262
2474 Humpy Kone Vantika Agrawal 2262
2458 Muzychuk Anna Dzagnidze Nana 2475
2476 Muzychuk Mariya Harika Dronavalli 2475
2311 Savitha Shri B Ushenin Anna 2371
2351 Vaishali R Oliwia Kiolbasa 2304
2304 Oliwia Kiolbasa Humpy Kone 2474
2371 Ushenin Anna Vaishali R 2351
2475 Harika Dronavalli Savitha Shri B 2311
2475 Dzagnidze Nana Muzychuk Mariya 2476
2262 Vantika Agrawal Muzychuk Anna 2458

About Tata Steel Chess India

Chess arrived in Kolkata in the form of the first Tata Steel Chess India inaugural tournament in November 2018. The tournament was attended by world’s best grandmasters including Viswanathan Anand in Rapid and Blitz formats. In 2019, world champion Magnus Carlsen won the Rapide and the Blitz. Tata Steel has a long relationship with chess and appreciates the worldwide reputation that the Tata Steel Chess Tournament at Wijk Ann Zee has earned over the years. In previous editions, Tata Steel Chess India has been a sought after professional chess tournament and aims to make it bigger and better in the coming years.

Serena Hoyles

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