Take lessons, Acting Regent Dani Ramdan reopens gold leaf of Bekasi history

PORTALJABAR, KAB. BEKASI – There are many historical evidences, Bekasi Regency is a region with an honorable and courageous character. This was conveyed by Acting Regent of Bekasi Dani Ramdan at Plaza Pemda Square, Central Cikarang District during the opening speech of the Bekasi Regency Anniversary Ceremony on Monday (8/15/ 2022).

“If you look at the history of Bekasi Regency based on books and historical sources of Bekasi. Bekasi from time to time. The existence of humans dates back to 1000 BC. And the large amount of evidence from the Buni site is evidence of the many historical relics,” he says.

The ancestors of the Bekasi community already had great abilities. With all the breakthroughs, even from the time of Buni and Tarumanegara, the ancestors understood the technology as evidenced by the presence of metals for jewelry as well as grain management.

In the 5th century, the influence of the Bekasi with the foundation of Tarumanegara. King Tarumanegara, Purnawarman. Written sources of the existence of the Tarumanegara kingdom from historical records in China. Other proof, 7 pieces of inscriptions. There is a monument that tells the story of King Tarumanegara. Chandra Bhaga Channel, and others.

According to records, Tarumanegara maintains diplomatic relations with China and India. Entering the 10th century, it is a new era where the emergence of the Betawi language. From there, the struggle of Bekasi Regency continues to have a story. Up to many historical records, with the emergence of historical evidence. According to historical records, each period became the highest degree for the nation and the state.

From Buni, Tarumanegara, until now, has always been at the forefront of becoming an industrial area with people of patriotic and courageous character and identity. Regency of Bekasi with slogan The most audacious, because he is courageous because he is right and establishes the truth.

“I believe that the people of Bekasi Regency will be proud of their ancestral history with the example of their previous ancestors being able to accept differences, especially in this modern age,” he added.

“Let’s hope with all these historical series, we will never forget history. With this, Bekasi Regency can be more prosperous physically and mentally,” he said. (Diskominfo Bekasi Regency/rdp*)

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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