Taiwan and India stand firm: No intimidation from China

Taiwan does not tolerate Chinese interference

“Neither Modi nor our president will allow themselves to be intimidated”

Yesterday, June 19 2024 | 09:08

Taipei rejected China's criticism of recent news exchanges between India and Taiwan. Don't let yourself be intimidated, they say.

According to a report in an Indian daily newspaper “India Time“Taiwan has rejected China's latest criticism. The dispute revolves around the news between Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, and President of Taiwan, Lai Ching-te. China has protested the increasingly close ties between India and Taiwan, but Taiwan has called the criticism “unreasonable interference.”

Taiwan's Deputy Foreign Minister, Tien Chung-kwang, was quoted as saying by The Times of India, “I am sure Modi and our president will not be intimidated by such a reaction.” In doing so, he underscored the two countries' determination to strengthen their ties despite criticism from China.

China has previously protested to India, calling on the country to oppose the “political calculations of the Taiwanese authorities”. Taiwan reacted with annoyance to this request. The country's foreign minister argued that congratulating each other was normal and other countries had no right to interfere.

Modi and Lai reaffirmed partnership

The cause of this political dispute was the exchange of congratulations between the political leaders of India and Taiwan. Taiwan's newly elected President, Lai Ching-te, congratulated Prime Minister Modi on his third victory in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Modi responded that he looked forward to “closer ties and mutually beneficial economic and technological partnerships.”

Ambrose Fernandez

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