Stable relations between the United Arab Emirates and India create new business opportunities

In addition, both countries are intensively examining options for diversifying trade. Diversifying the commodities traded can expand the scope of economic cooperation and make local currency transactions even more versatile. “The UAE and India are now committed to working closely on sustainable industrial development following the signing of an MoU. The MoU covers various aspects of cooperation to promote industrial investments with a focus on advanced industries, energy transition solutions, healthcare and space. It also aims to develop innovative and technological solutions to support sustainability and climate neutrality efforts,” says Abdul Moiz Khan, CEO and Managing Partner of Fursa Consulting, a leading management consulting firm licensed by Dubai Economic Department (DED) since 2014 is working.

“Judicial reform is another important element in creating legal protection. Recognizing this, the Government of India issued a Gazette Notification in 2020 highlighting that foreign civil judgments issued by courts in the UAE can be enforced in Indian courts as the UAE has jurisdiction under Section 44A of the Indian Code “Reciprocating Territory” was declared under the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) 1908. Given the immense business potential, Fursa has created significant business prospects in India through its affiliated partners,” says Khan.

Sybil Alvarez

"Incurable gamer. Infuriatingly humble coffee specialist. Professional music advocate."

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