Sports News | Honda India Talent Cup: Double win for Mohsin Paramban in second round in Chennai

Chennai, Tamil Nadu)[India]July 8 (ANI): Next Generation riders continued to showcase their impressive racing skills in the second round of the IDEMITSU Honda India Talent Cup NSF250R 250R in Chennai.

In Race 2, Mohsin Baramban dominated the race and excelled with his strong performances, using the full potential of his Moto3 machine, the NSF 250R, throughout the eight laps of the race.

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With his calm and composed riding style, Mohsen continued to lead the race smoothly from the start. He used his experience in national and international races, competing strongly and proving his abilities by reaching the podium for the first time, finishing the race with a total time of 15:07.015. He also recorded a best lap time of 1:52.236. With this victory, Mohsen completes all podium events in both races.

In a close race, the two young riders Savion Saboo and Ace James from Bengaluru showed their competitive abilities and fought hard to clinch the second spot. In a very exciting race, it was Savion Sabo who was quick and crossed the finish line in second place with a total time of 15:10.965.

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Despite a leg injury, AS James made no mistakes. With good morale, he finished the race in third position, showing extraordinary stability and composure. He finished the race with a total time of 15:15.953.

Unfortunately, two of the runners, Bidani Rajender from Hyderabad and Steve Wauge Suje, could not complete the race due to accidents. (ANI)

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Cheryl Tenny

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