Shooter Vidya Rafika’s ambition is to win gold at Hangzhou 2023 Asian Games

Shooter Vidya Rafika Rahmatan Toyyiba is setting high goals for herself at the Hangzhou 2023 Asian Games. The woman familiarly called Fika wants to win a gold medal at Asia’s biggest sporting event.

Shooter Vidya Rafika Rahmatan Toyyiba is setting high goals for herself at the Hangzhou 2023 Asian Games. The woman familiarly called Fika wants to win a gold medal at Asia’s biggest sporting event. (photo: yayan/

Jakarta: Shooter Vidya Rafika Rahmatan Toyyiba has set high goals for the Hangzhou 2023 Asian Games. The woman familiarly called Fika wants to win a gold medal at Asia’s biggest sporting event.

This was conveyed by Fika when meeting after training at the Senayan Shooting Range, Jakarta, Monday (11/9). He looked so enthusiastic during practice. Fika constantly wants to refine his shot.

“Personally, I want to do well in the Asian Games, I hope I can get a gold medal,” Fika said.

The shooter from Depok, West Java, will compete in the 50-meter rifle event. Fika is aware that her future fight will not be easy. Because he will face tough opponents from the representatives of the hosts, India and Japan.

“It’s not easy. But I’m optimistic about my success. Training continues from Monday to Friday. From morning to evening. “I hope the results can be good during the match,” he said. he declared.

Fika said that currently training preparations are being carried out continuously. What needs to improve are the mental and physical aspects of competition. He therefore hopes for the support of all the inhabitants of the country.

“So we really have to increase our concentration to refine our shots. Currently the focus to improve is both mental and physical competition. So you can’t be careless. “Please pray and support us so that we can achieve our goal,” he concluded. (I f)

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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