Sean and Ricardo Gelael drive the Hyundai i20 N in the APRC Grand Final

Toba: The Jagonya Ayam Motorsport team is increasingly establishing itself as a team to consider, not only at the national level but also at the regional level. They competed in four cars at a time in the Lake Toba Rally – APRC Grand Finale, November 24-26, 2023.

Sean Gelael, winner of the APRC round at Lake Toba in September, still uses a Hyundai i20 N Rally2 with his co-driver Hugo Magalhaes (Portugal). Interestingly, his father, Ricardo Gelael, now also drives the same car with Brazilian co-driver Gabriel Morales.

Two very identical Citroën C3 Rally2s at Jagonya Ayam are now used by a new couple, Subhan Aksa/Mago Sarwono and Rudy Setia Laksmana/Adi Wibowo.

Besides them, several other racers participated in the rally in Indonesia with Rally2 and AP4 cars. Besides Hyundai and Citroën, there are also Skoda, Ford, Toyota and Ford.

Ricardo, as a pioneer of using R5 or Rally2 cars in Indonesia, welcomed this condition. “Of course, I am very happy and proud that young Indonesians are now using Rally2. They just need to take care of it and raise the level of competition to one day be able to compete at the international level,” Ricardo said.

Meanwhile, this weekend’s APRC Grand Final will certainly produce a new rally champion in this region. Because whoever wins will be crowned Asia-Pacific Rally Champion.

Sean/Hugo, as usual, will not take the Lake Toba Rally lightly this time. “Nothing in any race, including a rally, is easy. Basically, Hugo and I are going to do some crazy stuff from the Super SS to Caldera,” Sean said.

During the September rally, many riders experienced tire blowouts. And now it gets tricky because it rains almost every day in and around Parapat area where the North Sumatra rally is taking place. “Of course the track is slippery and in some SS areas it can be filled with mud. However, as the conditions are the same for all participants, we have to fight in all conditions,” said Hugo.

The Lake Toba Rally was attended by 63 participants, of which 18 cars took part in the Asia-Pacific Rally Championship, including racers from New Zealand, India and Thailand. A total of 12 SS took place over three days starting Friday (24/11).

Lake Toba Rally Program

Step 1 Day 1 (Friday November 24)
SS1 – Super SS Caldera (2.07km)

Stage 1, day 2 (Saturday, November 25)
SS2 – Tobasari 1 (12.75 km)
SS3 – Gorbus 1 (15.61 km)
SS4 – Huta Tonga 1 (16.67 km)
SS5 – Negeri Dolok 1 (10.35km)
SS6 – Huta Tonga 2 (16.67 km)
SS7 – Negeri Dolok 2 (10.35km)

Stage 2 (Sunday November 26)
SS8 – Negeri Dolok Inverse 1 (10.55 km)
SS9 – Tobasari 2 (12.75 km)
SS10 – Gorbus 2 (15.61 km)
SS11 – Huta Tonga reverse (16.42 km)
SS12 – Negeri Dolok reverse (10.55 km)

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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