Schallenberg concluded a migration agreement with India

Foreign Minister Schallenberg described the agreement with India as a “milestone”, which should make repatriation easier.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg signed an agreement on a comprehensive migration and mobility partnership with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Saturday on the sidelines of the EU-Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum in Stockholm. India and Austria have thus committed to prioritizing the speedy return of irregular migrants.


The aim is, together with the abolition of visa-free entry from India to Serbia, which has already taken place, to achieve a clearer reduction in illegal migration to be brought from India to Austria. “The agreement is a clear commitment to enhance Austro-Indian cooperation in the fight against illegal migration. For the first time, we are establishing a contractual basis for repatriation to India,” Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said.

“The agreement is a milestone in our relationship with the world’s most populous country. It creates an opportunity to bring Indian workers to Austria, for example as part of the Red-White-Red Card. Highly qualified Indians can now fill a void where there is Austria shortage of workers.”

The visa issue is easier

The Austrian approach envisions that contact is first made between the company and a qualified candidate. Cooperation between state agencies aims to make it easier for Indian citizens to find suitable employers in Austria.

In addition, the agreement allows for increased student exchange between India and Austria and the rapid issuance of visas, especially for journalists and scientists. In addition, the migration and mobility partnership made it possible to create an Austrian-Indian working holiday programme. Young people are given the opportunity to enter short-term jobs and remain in the target country or use educational institutions without a work permit.

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Ambrose Fernandez

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