Sack Race, a traditional game that developed into the August 17 competition

TEMPO.CO, JakartaSack race one of the competitions during the commemoration of Independence Day. The burlap sack is used to wrap the lower half of the body. Participants jump at the front of the race to reach the finish line.

The sack race is the same August 17 race. The exact origin of this game is not known. Citing publications Sack race in, in schools during the Dutch colonial period, usually at every celebration, this sack race was played. Usually children aged 6 to 12 playing racing. This game has also spread to many native villages.

Traditional game sack race

Sack racing is a traditional game played by 5 to 8 people. They competed to jump quickly to reach the finish line. Over time, this game is not only played by children.

Adults also love this traditional game. The enthusiasm of the community makes this game continue to exist until now, the sack race competition is interpreted as an effort to achieve the goal of encountering various difficulties, often falling, then getting up and continuing to achieve the finish line. .

Referring to the book Traditional sports and games, Sack races have fairly simple rules. To reign raceparticipants must jump using a bag from the starting line to the end of the track and vice versa.

If this match is played in a group, when a player has returned to the starting line, he will be replaced by another player from his team. The team that reaches the finish line with the fastest time is declared the winner.

Sack race gear

  1. Burlap bag
  2. Chalk to form lines
  3. Whistle
  4. Small tail flag
  5. Open and wide field

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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