Russia is developing unstoppable submarine missiles

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From: Max Schaefer

Russia wants to equip its submarine fleet with new ICBMs. (Archive photo) © Lev Fedoseyev/Imago

Russia continues to arm itself: According to reports, the Putin regime is working on a new nuclear capable ICBM. They must be able to overcome all missile defense systems.

Moscow – Russia wants to strategically realign its navy and is therefore working on the development of a new submarine-supported ICBM. It is said to be capable of defeating all advanced missile defense systems from “any enemy” while providing high precision and a longer flight range, the Russian daily reported. Izvestia citing the Russian Defense Ministry.

The intercontinental-range missile is intended to replace the Bulava missile, which was developed in the 1990s and produced from 2007. In addition, she can be equipped with a nuclear warhead and improve accuracy as well as become the main armament of new strategic submarines.

Russia is developing a submarine-launched missile as part of a strategic realignment

However, Russia will still rely on the old Bulava missile for a long time to come: the development of the new missile is still at a very early stage. After approval and coordination with the customer, the developer now starts work on the rocket Izvestia from the Russian Ministry of Defense. A mission in Ukrainian War thus excluded.

Submarine-supported ICBMs are part of a strategic reorientation, President Wladimir Putin already announced in 2017. It envisages enhanced capabilities and a greater strategic and operational role for the Russian Navy.

“Attacks on vital facilities”: what targets is Russia pursuing with new submarine missiles

With the development of “high-precision weapons”, the Navy faces new goals, reports Izvestia with reference to sources from the Ministry of Defense of Russia. They would be used to “destroy the enemy’s military and economic potential by attacking its vital facilities”.

The Bulava missile, a planned predecessor to the ICBM, is a core component of Russia’s future strategic nuclear force, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington, DC-based foreign policy think tank, told news portals news week. The Bulava missile was specifically designed for use on the Borey-class nuclear-powered submarines, which can carry up to 16 missiles. In November 2022 Russia is only testing submarines.

Submarine-launched missile with a nuclear warhead as part of Russia’s strategic deterrence

For Russia, submarine-launched ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear warheads are a core element of strategic deterrence. Since the sinking of the Kursk in 2000, Russia has sought to modernize its submarine fleet. It should still be 2023 two new nuclear submarines to strengthen the Russian fleet.

Apart from Russia, the US, France, Great Britain and India also have submarine-launched ballistic missiles. North Korea has repeatedly drawn criticism with tests. (Ms)

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