Relationship Building, India’s Mission to ASEAN Holds Diwali Bazaar and Art Exhibition

The opening of the bazaar began at 10:00 a.m. WIB and was inaugurated by Ambassador of Indian Mission to ASEAN Jayani N. Kobragade, ASEAN Deputy Secretary General Satvinder Sigh and IndoIndia Founder Poonam Sagar .

The inauguration was symbolically carried out by the three of them by lighting candles simultaneously, interspersed with words and finally the beating of the gong which signifies the official opening of the bazaar and the art exhibition.

IndoIndia’s Poonam was the first to welcome guests and attendees by explaining what was available at the bazaar.

“ASEAN-India Diwali Bazaar offers an inclusive shopping experience for families with exclusive vendors from all over Indonesia and ASEAN countries offering quality products,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Jayani expressed his gratitude to all colleagues who worked together to make the event a success which was organized to strengthen relations with ASEAN.

“Thank you to all the parties who have collaborated. Please visit our bazaar, where there are many entrepreneurs with various products and handicrafts. But the most important thing is to strengthen the relationship between ASEAN and India,” said- he said in his speech.

In the same vein, ASEAN Deputy Secretary General Satvinder pointed out that the holding of the event is proof of India’s efforts to strengthen long-standing relations with ASEAN.

“India is a productive and profitable partner for ASEAN. This bazaar proves India’s efforts to strengthen and deepen its cooperative relations with ASEAN in peace and prosperity,” he explained. .

In the bazaar and art exhibition, many entrepreneurs, MSMEs, artists from India and ASEAN member countries participated. They offer crafts, food, clothing accessories, jewelry, decoration, care and beauty that reflect the culture of their country of origin.

The bazaar and the art exhibits of India and ASEAN were made more alive by the musical performances and dances of the London School of Public Relations of the Bollywood community that were played during the event.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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