Rama Valayden: “We sent a letter to India condemning sniffing”

Several letters have been sent to various Indian figures and institutions condemning the alleged cases of sniffing on SAFE cables.

This was conveyed by Rama Valayden in a press conference, Friday, on behalf of Linion Pep Morisien (LPM). “We have indeed sent letters to the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, to Mumbai, to the Communist Party of India and to the party of Rajiv Gandhi to ensure that information circulates in India about this scandal. Because here, some are brandishing a map of India like a trophy. We also sent letters to lawyers in South Africa because the government is hiding everything from us,” he said.

He gave an example that LPM has moved to another stage. “Thursday, we had three meetings and we plan to have five more meetings very soon. We will have a meeting in the countryside and next Friday there will be a congress”, he announced.

Bruno Laurette demonstration legalized on August 7

In addition, the peaceful demonstration that Bruno Laurette wanted to organize on 7 August has been authorized by the Commissioner of Police. The procession will begin near the pagoda, rue Volcy Pougnet, Port-Louis. It will continue along rue Pope Hennessy until it ends at Place d’Armes. Some ordinary and legal conditions are imposed on the organizers. Also, no slogans or placards. The police also have the right to end the meeting, if they deem there is a good reason to do so.

Joint opposition demonstration on August 12

Demonstrations with the opposition in Port-Louis, on August 12, to condemn what he described as high treason on the part of Pravind Jugnauth and demand the resignation of the government.

This morning, Ptr leader Navin Ramgoolam, Labor Party representative Arvin Boolell, PMSD leader Xavier Luc Duval and MMM leader Paul Bérenger met for this purpose.

A press conference is scheduled for the coming days.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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