Protests against Islamophobia in India and calls for the expulsion of Hindus are crowding social media in the Gulf states

Calls for the expulsion of Hindus from the Gulf countries have received mixed responses

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEWDELHI – A call for the expulsion of millions of Hindus from Gulf countries is being discussed on social media. This action is a response to the continued brutality against India’s Muslim minority.

An Arabic hashtag has started spreading on Twitter demanding that all Hindus be expelled from Gulf countries. Please note that the gulf country is home to over eight million citizens India live and work.

The hashtag, which roughly translates to “Expel Hindus from the Gulf”, has been shared thousands of times on Twitter. One user called the situation “genocide” against Muslims in India.

“Gulf countries can do more than punish, Indian Muslims are suffering under fascist rule, we must stop the anti-Muslim genocide,” they wrote.

According to the tweet, there were 3.4 million Indians in the United Arab Emirates, 2.5 million in Saudi Arabia, 1 million in Kuwait, 779,000 in Oman, 756,000 in Qatar and 332,000 in Bahrain. .

Tensions peaked last month after Nupur Sharma, a member of India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party, made insulting remarks towards the Prophet Muhammad.

Sharma, spokesman for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, made a televised statement on May 26 about the Prophet Muhammad’s youngest wife, sparking protests across the Islamic world.

The remarks sparked a diplomatic outcry not only in India’s rival Pakistan, but also in wealthy Arab states that normally have close ties with India.

More than 20 countries have publicly condemned the statement. This tough stance quickly made India’s Bharatiya Janata Party the trigger for the collapse.

The party apologized and suspended Sharma and Naveen Kumar Jindal, another public figure accused of tweeting about the Prophet Muhammad.

But many Muslim countries viewed the Indian government’s move as lackluster, especially given the brutal reprisals against members of India’s 200 million Muslim minority who took to the streets in protest. Several protesters have been killed, hundreds have been arrested and images of destroyed protesters’ homes have surfaced online.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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