[POPULER TREN] Lake Toba Google Doodle Theme | The ministry that announced the CPNS 2023 training

KOMPAS.com – A number of reports graced the Trends page throughout Thursday (8/31/2023).

Google information showing the Lake Toba painting dominates public attention.

Google explained that the Google Doodle theme on Thursday commemorates the designation of Lake Toba as a UNESCO Global Geopark on August 31, 2020.

In addition to the Lake Toba-themed Google Doodle, information on the new Chinese map annexing the territory of India and Malaysia, the timeline of the Sugeng Rahayu vs Eka accident in Ngawi to the ministry which announced the formation of CPNS and PPPK 2023. also attract the attention of readers.

Read also : KASN: Hundreds of ASNs reported cheating throughout 2020-2023

Read also : 7 Mandatory documents for CPNS and PPPK 2023 registration, what are they?

Popular News

Here are the most popular news items on the Trending page from Thursday (8/31/2023) through Friday (9/1/2023) morning:

1. “Celebrate Lake Toba” Google Doodle Theme

There is something different from Google’s perspective on Thursday (8/31/2023).

This can be seen by Google displaying a painting of Lake Toba above the search box.

When the cursor hovers over the image, the caption “Celebrate Lake Toba” or “Celebrate Lake Toba” will appear.

Thursday’s Google Doodle picks up the theme of the Toba Fund.

So why is Thursday’s Google Doodle (8/31/2023) themed around Lake Toba?

A fuller explanation of why Google displays the Lake Toba chart in its search box can be found in the following news item:

Today’s Google Doodle theme “Celebrate Lake Toba”, what’s new?

2. New map of China annexing India and Malaysia


illustration of a map of China, one of the largest countries in the world.

China has come under fire from India and Malaysia after the country of the Bamboo Curtain included the two countries’ territories in its new map.

This is revealed by the latest map published by Beijing on Monday (28/8/2023).

China claims the state of Arunachal Pradesh and the Aksai Chin plateau in India.

Additionally, China also claims parts of the Nine-Dash Line in the South China Sea (LCS), also recognized by Malaysia.

More detailed information on the protests over the new map of China can be found in the following information:

China protests over annexation of Indian and Malaysian territories in new map

3. Timeline of Sugeng Rahayu vs Eka accident

A bus accident occurred in Ngawi, East Java on Thursday (8/31/2023).

The incident involved two Sugeng Rahayu Inter-City Inter-Provincial (AKAP) buses and an Eka bus.

This accident would have caused three deaths and 16 people slightly injured.

The victims were then taken to Dr Soeroto Ngawi Hospital and Widodo Ngawi Hospital for treatment.

The video showing the conditions immediately after the crash was shared widely on social media.

In the video uploaded by a social media account, it can be seen that Sugeng Rahayu’s roof detached from the bus body and sustained heavy damage. Meanwhile, Eka’s bus suffered damage to the front and right side.

So what’s the timeline?

Full information on the timeline of the Sugeng Rahayu vs Eka accident in Ngawi can be viewed in the following news:

Timeline of Sugeng Rahayu Vs Eka bus crash in Ngawi, 3 killed and 16 injured

4. The ministry that announced the formation of CPNS 2023


The prosecutor’s CPNS background must be single and not colorblind.

The government officially opened the recruitment of candidates for the civil state apparatus (CASN) on September 17, 2023.

A total of 572,299 trainings have been prepared for CPNS and PPPK 2023.

The training is spread across 596 agencies with details of 72 ministries and agencies, 33 provincial governments and 401 city and district governments.

So, which government agencies announced the need for CPNS and PPPK 2023 training?

Clearer information regarding the ministries and regional governments (pemda) that announced the formation of CPNS and PPPK 2023 can be found in the following news:

9 ministries and local governments that announced the training for CPNS and PPPK 2023

5. Sports that make you lose weight quickly

In addition to diet, exercise is a method often used to lose weight.

When exercising, the body burns calories to the maximum so that it can lose weight.

Of course, exercise will be more effective in losing weight if it is followed by a healthy diet and enough sleep.

Certain types of exercises are able to burn more calories and thus lose weight quickly.

Not only losing weight, exercise can also help prevent the emergence of chronic diseases.

More complete information on sports for losing weight quickly can be found in the following news:

7 exercises that make you lose weight quickly, anyone?

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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