PMQT – Allegation by Sherry Singh: PM explains “survey”

Pravind Jugnauth is categorical: “There has never been any installation or attempt to install ‘devices’ or equipment, either at any of the submarine cable landing stations to monitor internet traffic to and from Mauritius. The Prime Minister (PM) at the National Assembly said, This Tuesday July 12. He answered questions from Labor MPs Ehsan Juman and Patrick Assirvaden during the Prime Minister’s Q&A Time.

From the outset, the PM pointed out that in normal times, information relating to national security is not disclosed. “However, I will provide certain information to clear up the confusion, which has been created in people’s minds as a result of the false accusations by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Mauritius Telecom (MT), and the hysteria of the opposition about this case,” said Pravind Jugnauth.

“Indeed, on October 21, 2021, the Security Division of my office issued a letter to the MT CEO requesting that he provide certain information regarding the South African Far East Submarine ‘Landing Station’, located at Baie-de-Jacotet, Bel-Ombre. And this, as part of a security investigation. The information includes, among others, the location of the submarine cables, the security measures taken there, the number of people working there, including foreign nationals, and technical details regarding the submarine cables.” , explained PM in detail.

According to Pravind Jugnauth, since there is still no response from the CEO of MT, a second letter was sent to him on December 22, 2021 asking him to return the requested information regarding the Baie-Jacotet ‘landing station’. On December 24, 2021 the CEO of MT provided the information requested by my office security division,” he added.

According to Pravind Jugnauth, “On April 12, 2022, Sherry Singh was notified that a technical team, including three members from India, would be sending a fact-finding mission between April 13 and 15, 2022, to Baie-Jacotet, Bel Shadow. Therefore, the CEO of MT was requested to provide all necessary assistance to this team during this ‘survey’. On 14 April 2022, Sherry Singh met with the leader of the delegation. And in this meeting, technical questions regarding the ‘survey’ were discussed”.

Phone conversation

The Prime Minister added that “on the morning of 15 April 2022, I was informed that MT did not make the necessary arrangements for the team to have access to the Baie-Jacotet ‘Landing Station’ so that a ‘survey’ could be carried out.

Next, I called the CEO of MT and asked him to make the necessary arrangements for the Indian team to carry out their duties. In the end, he agreed to give access to the India team.”

And to add that on the same day, Sherry Singh will ask the MT Chief Technical Officer to accompany the delegation to Baie-de-Jacotet for a “site visit”.

“It is also relevant to point out that the MT Chief Technical Officer was physically present at the site during the investigation. In addition, he confirmed in the report that there was no sniffing or other equipment installed by the team at any of the Landing Stations, including the one at Baie-de-Jacotet,” said Pravind Jugnauth.

According to him, Sherry Singh never considered it necessary to bring this matter before the MT Board of Directors. Especially since he had expressed reservations about the results of the investigation. And this, despite the fact that the request for this “survey” was communicated to him in October 2021.

In addition, the head of government indicated that the “survey” was carried out on April 15. He regretted that it was only now that the former CEO of MT made accusations he considered “very serious about him”.

“I never gave instructions for the installation of ‘sniffing’ equipment, as the former CEO alleged. “The ‘survey’ conducted by the Indian team at the Baie-Jacotet ‘Landing Station’ was carried out in the interest of national security”, explains Pravind Jugnauth.

It should be noted that the PM also responded to an interpellation by Labor MP, Patrick Assirvaden. He confirmed that he gave a statement to the police yesterday, Monday 11 July, regarding the allegations made by Sherry Singh against him.

Pravind Jugnauth said he provided police with “documents and evidence” to help them explain the allegations.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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