Petition · Permanent cancellation of the release of the film Maharaj on Netflix #BoycottMaharaj

06-16-2024 11:39:06


To the entire eternal Hindu community and its devotees, the High Court has issued a stay on Yash Chopra's film 'Maharaj', which is a necessary and just decision. The next decision will be taken on June 18. Before that, all of us Sanatani Hindus must unite and oppose the release of this film and show our strength.


  • As of now, Netflix has not released any trailer for the film. They remained tight-lipped when asked about the details of the film. We asked Netflix to hold a special screening for our spiritual teacher before the release.
  • Or cancel the release of this film permanently.

Why should we oppose it?
This film is based on a defamation case that occurred during the British era in 1862. At that time there was still a British government in India which was very opposed to the development of Sanatan Dharma. The British set up an organization, with Karsandas Mulji as president. They published obscene statements in a newspaper called “Satya Prakash” opposing Sanatan Dharma and saints. He faced opposition in a defamation case. The British judges at that time misinterpreted the true meaning of the Indian scriptures Pushti Margiya and Sanatan Dharma, twisting them in a way that was completely opposite to their true meaning.

They misunderstand hymns and mantras and therefore pass judgment by accepting these misinterpretations. It was a conspiracy to undermine Sanatan Dharma. The whole world is aware that Indian religious knowledge is highly respected, respected, uplifting and spiritually uplifting. But despite this, our mantras have been subject to erroneous and unreasonable interpretations fueled by prejudice and hatred of the British. This was confirmed in court by the British who succeeded in manipulating the case by presenting false witnesses, defaming Sanatan Dharma with several false and baseless accusations.

Making a film based on a 200-year-old conspiracy case involving British judges is unethical. At that time, the British had branded our freedom fighters as terrorists in court. This is an act aimed only at pressuring India. However, in today's independent India, when we are free and the whole world praises and admires our Sanatan Dharma, if individuals like Aamir Khan and companies like Yash Raj Films, driven by selfish desires and insignificant people, try to degrade our religion for the sake of their interests. financial motives, we must speak out against these lies. Portraying certain religions in a derogatory manner, including making films based on grossly unfair and flawed court cases during the British era, is highly immoral.

The entire Sanatani Hindu community should oppose it vehemently, wholeheartedly and enthusiastically. We request Netflix to cancel the release of Maharaj Films permanently.


(Hindi version)

All Sanatani Hindus and all their followers. The High Court's stay on Yash Chopra's “Maharaja” was very dignified. This film is based on a liability case that occurred during the British era in 1862. At that time, he was an Englishman. The British have also formed an organization whose members are Karsandas Mulji. He had published vulgar things for Sanatan Dharma and saints in a newspaper called Satya Prakash. The British judges at that time, without thinking, misinterpreted the Pushti Margiya texts and the Indian Sanatan Dharma texts, which completely contradicted their true meaning.

These stotras and mantras have been given completely wrong meanings and judgment has been given to accepting these wrong meanings. This is a big conspiracy to degrade our Sanatan Dharma. The whole world knows that the Tatva Gyan of India is superior, honorable and superior. provided personal remedies but by ignoring them, completely wrong and nonsensical interpretations of our mantras were made out of hatred and the British justified them in court and by presenting many false witnesses, the trial was sabotaged as part of a grand conspiracy Sanatan Dharma was misrepresented and many false accusations created, which is completely wrong. Making a film based on a 200-year-old conspiracy case conducted by British judges is simply wrong. The freedom fighters were also declared terrorists by the courts. They did this to oppress the Indian nation. But in today's India, when we have become independent and the whole world praises our Sanatan Dharma, then only our religion can be loved by people. Aamir Khan etc. and companies like Yash Raj Films want to make anti-religious films and show them in this free India thoughtlessly, selfishly and with little desire, to embarrass society and at the same time make money, then it must be punished. at full power. Demonizing a particular religion, as well as making a film based on a flawed and conspiracy-ridden court case from conspiracy-era Britain, is completely irresponsible and wrong. The Sanatani Hindu Samaj is wholeheartedly active in this field.


#Petition #Cancellation #permanent #release #film #Maharaj #on #Netflix #BoycottMaharaj

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