Participation in ISEF 2022, BPKH and BI Hold International Hajj Conference

The ISEF has become a must-attend event in the world calendar of excursion events.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) has once again participated in the Indonesia Shariah Economic Forum (ISEF) 2022. Together with Bank Indonesia, BPKH will organize a international conference on the Hajj as part of a series of ISEF 2022 which will be held on October 7, 2022.

agency secretary BPKH Emir Rio Krishna explained that the 2022 International Hajj Conference will discuss the theme of digitization and inclusiveness in the Hajj ecosystem. “The theme will be approached by inviting main speaker and panelists from various government agencies, financial institutions and business practitioners inside and outside the country,” Emir explained.

ISEF is the largest annual event in Indonesia that serves as a forum for the integration of various activities in the sector of Islamic economics and finance (eksyar). During its journey, ISEF has evolved from activities at the national level to activities at the international level, in which, since 2019, BPKH has participated through international seminars. The ISEF itself has become an event to be reckoned with in the calendar of events eksyar world.

The 9th ISEF 2022 event will be held from October 5 to 9 in a hybrid manner with the theme Recover Together Recover Stronger: Optimizing Sharia Economy and Finance for Inclusive Recovery, in line with the theme of Indonesia’s G20 Presidency.

Emir Rio Krishna further explained that advancements in technology have had a significant impact in various sectors. Thanks to the digital transformation, many people are benefiting from improved services in various sectors. In the hajj ecosystem, trends are emerging from this digital transformation.

Additionally, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is currently developing a digital registration system for pilgrims wishing to perform the Hajj. This will lead to a change in the way the check-in procedure must be carried out by pilgrims.

“BPKH has also implemented digitalization in the management of hajj funds, where the proceeds of hajj funds are distributed to pilgrims via virtual account. This has encouraged the inclusiveness of financial services for hajj pilgrims and realized the responsibility of managing hajj funds,” the emir explained.

The International Hajj Conference will be held on Friday, October 7, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in a hybrid manner via Zoom and Youtube BPKH and directly to the Jakarta Convention Center.

The International Hajj Conference will feature two panel discussions. The first panel discussion will be filled by five panelists, namely the Director General of Hajj and Umrah of the Ministry of Religion Prof. Hilman Latief, CEO of Nigeria National Hajj Commission Alhaji Zikrullah Kunie Hassan, BPKH Executive Board Member Dr Benny Witjaksono and Director of Bank Muamalat Purnomo B Soetadi. The first panel discussion will be guided by a member of the Supervisory Board of BPKH, Dr. M Akhyar Adnan.

The second panel discussion will also be filled with five panelists namely Chairman of Hajj Committee of India AP Abdulla Kutty, Executive Director of Belad Al-Haramain for Umrah Shakir Ahmed Hameed Alhuthali, Director of Domestic Services of Hajj Saiful Mujab , Deputy Securities Investments , Gold, IT, Supply & General BPKH Dr Indra Gunawan. Then the commercial director of the Jabar Banten Bank Syariah Koko Tjatur Rachmadi, and the secretary general of the Sathu Forum (Association of Hajj and Umrah tour operators) H Muharrom Ahmad. The second roundtable will be guided by the Director of the National Committee for Islamic Economics and Finance, Dr. Sutan Emir.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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