Does the Chancellor recognize the signs?
A few days after the failure of the traffic light elections in Hesse and Bavaria, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (65) invited CDU leader Friedrich Merz (67) and Prime Ministers Boris Rhein (51, CDU) and Stephan Weil (64, SPD) to a crisis meeting.Invited to speak on Friday evening.
Overall name: “German Pact”. Until now, Scholz understands this as speeding up approvals and reducing bureaucracy. The union especially wants to talk about migration.
Now the turning point. According to BILD information, it is also about asylum! The issue of migration was explicitly mentioned in the invitation to heads of government.
Four weeks ago, Scholz invited Merz to the Chancellor’s Office for a personal interview. The German Pact was also an issue there.
The aim of the currently scheduled crisis summit is to engage the opposition and federal states.
CDU Secretary General Carsten Linnemann (46) also called for Scholz’s asylum agreement. The essence of the EU’s demands: stationary border controls, the introduction of chip cards for asylum seekers, deportation centers directly on the German border, the end of all voluntary admissions programs and the declaration of safer countries of origin.
Rhine: Migration “is clearly the most important issue”
The CDU told BILD that Scholz should first explain exactly what he wanted to talk about. One thing is clear: the migration crisis is high on the agenda.
Striking: state premiers will meet on Thursday and Friday to discuss the refugee crisis. Also present at this “German Conference” was the federal government.
Hesse Prime Minister Boris Rhein (CDU)
Prime Minister Hesse Rhein, chairman of the Prime Ministers’ Conference, told BILD: “The clearly most important topic of the German Conference is the control and limitation of migration. The question of refugee funding between the federal and state governments is also high on the agenda.”
The CDU official continued: “There were many possible solutions discussed, which were decided jointly by the states and the Federal Chancellor in May.”
Rhein on the Chancellor’s proposed German Pact: “Countries are always ready for a German Pact covering migration and economic topics.”
NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (48): “Our city governments are at the limits of their capabilities – and so are our communities. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure accommodation and integration for many asylum seekers.”
Another reason for holding the Scholz Summit: the two countries do not agree. Wüst to BILD: “The ideas put forward by individual SPD states are completely inadequate. Recent state elections provide a sobering account of traffic light migration policies.”
In elections in Bavaria and Hesse, more than two-thirds of voters said they wanted policies that would ensure fewer migrants arrived.
Wüst to BILD: “The SPD must finally realize the seriousness of the situation. There are three very important cornerstones: First, the tightening of deportation rules agreed between the federal and state governments in May should become a practice in asylum policy. Second, Maghreb states such as Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria as well as India and Armenia should be classified as safe countries of origin. But the third point is the most important, namely consistent action to stop irregular migration to Germany. There should be no prohibition on thinking about this.”
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