The old denomination of the rupee of Rp. 20,000 was suddenly discussed. This happened due to a statement by the Head of Government of the National Capital Region of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal.
So what does this have to do with the 20,000 rupee note that was printed in 1998? Check out the reviews!
city of detikFinanceHead of Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal has suddenly urged Indian Prime Minister Narendra Mobi to print pictures of Goddess Lakshmi and Dewan Ganesha on rupee banknotes.
Kejriwal’s reasoning behind his statement was that the gods and goddesses would bring “economic prosperity” to India.
In his statement, Kejriwal referred to Indonesia as the name. He said that Indonesia, which is predominantly Muslim, wants to place a picture of Ganesha on its banknotes.
“Indonesia, which is a Muslim-majority country, prints banknotes with the image of the god Ganesha,” he said, quoted by the BBC, on Monday (31/10/2022).
He compared that if Indonesia could do it, there should be no protests in India. “If Indonesia can do it, why can’t we? Nobody should oppose it,” he added.
Kejriwal himself is the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). His party has campaigned intensively in Gujarat state, where it is controlled by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
“We must exert all our efforts to develop the economy, build schools, hospitals and strengthen our infrastructure. But our efforts will bear fruit only when we have God’s blessing upon us,” Kejriwal said during a Wednesday press conference.
According to him, Goddess Lakshmi brings prosperity and Lord Ganesh removes obstacles. He stressed that he did not ask for all tickets to be changed, but only for new tickets that may be launched in the future.
His remarks were ridiculed by political parties around the world. Hindu nationalist BJP called it an attempt by the AAP to hide its true anti-Hindu self.
“Arvind Kejriwal has staged a political drama to distract the people of the country from the weakness of his government and the anti-Hindu mood of the party,” BJP spokesman Sambit said. Patras.
Many on social media have accused the AAP of hypocrisy, saying the ruling party has promised to overhaul the political system and focus on development.
Be popular search
After this statement, search keywords related to rupee currency with the image of Lord Ganesha increased significantly. One of those found was a 20,000 rupee note from 1998.
If you look at the rupee banknote, there is an image of a Ganesha statue on one side. Then next to it is a photo of former education minister of the Republic of Indonesia Ki Hadjar Dewantara.
The two characters are believed to share the same breath. Lord Ganesha is considered as the god of education, wisdom while Ki Hadjar Dewantara is an Indonesian hero who has services in the field of education. On the other hand, there are pictures of children learning activities.
His declaration also aroused many criticisms in his country. His remarks were believed to win over Hindu voters ahead of the state primary.
This article was published on detikFinance under the title Rupiah Money With a Picture of Lord Ganesha Subdenly Making India Shock, What’s Up?