Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) revealed that a number of Indian investors are interested in investing in the national capital or IKN Nusantara.
“They are interested in investing with us. The large number of investors entering IKN increases public confidence in the sustainable development and relocation process of the capital,” said Indra Yuwana, Director of Investment and Development. ease of doing business from OIKN, in a statement in Jakarta on Saturday.
Indra said some of these Indian investors have permanent companies in Indonesia in various sectors focused on green energy and solar panels.
IKN Nusantara is attracting more and more attention from global investors, as evidenced by the large number of investors directly visiting the land.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to India and Bhutan, Ina Hagniningtyas Krisnamurthi, brought Indian investors to visit the archipelago to explore investment opportunities in IKN Nusantara.
The investors involved in this visit are engaged in a number of areas ranging from health, infrastructure, ports and mineral resources such as mineral salts to raw materials for paper and tiles. They are very interested in contributing to the development of IKN Nusantara.
Meanwhile, PT Adani Global CFO Siddharth, as one of the Indian investors who visited IKN Nusantara, praised IKN's concept and detailed plans that cover all aspects of green energytechnology, security, lifestyle and education.
Siddharth emphasized that all of this is necessary for the development of IKN and he is very happy to be able to contribute to the vision of IKN.
IKN Nusantara is the future capital of Indonesia, determined and regulated by Law Number 3 of 2022.
IKN Nusantara is changing its development direction to become Indonesia-centric and aims to accelerate the country's economic transformation.
Also read: OIKN promotes the investment potential of IKN Nusantara to the Greek delegation
Also read: Tony Blair calls IKN a symbol of change for the world
Also read: Kemenparekraf-OIKN collaborate to organize tourist trip around IKN
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