Newly released Chinese map still claims South China Sea

Beijing: The 2023 edition of China Standard Map was released by the Ministry of Natural Resources during the celebration of Surveying and Mapping Publicity Day and National Mapping Awareness Week in Deqing, in Zhejiang province.

A standard map service system operates on the official website of the Ministry of Natural Resources, providing a standard set of maps to the public, according to Zhang Wenhui, director of the Ministry’s Map Technology Review Center.

Wu Wenzhong, chief planner of the ministry, said that surveys, mapping and geographical information play an important role in promoting nation-building, meeting the needs of all walks of life, supporting the management of natural resources and helping to build ecology and civilization.

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“The next step is to accelerate the application of geographic information data such as digital maps, navigation and positioning in the development of digital economy, such as location services, precision agriculture, platform economy and smart connected vehicles,” said Wu, quoted from ChinaDailyWednesday August 30, 2023.

From the new map, it looks like he’s still there nine-dash line (nine-dash line) claiming certain waters of the South China Sea. The line claims waters recognized as territory of Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan.

Currently, under the leadership of Indonesia in ASEAN, China and the organization of Southeast Asian countries are negotiating the code of ethics again (code of Conduct/CoC) in the South China Sea. However, it is not yet clear how the negotiations will go.

In fact, several regions of India are also claimed by Beijing on their latest maps, such as the regions of Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin.

India protests China’s latest ‘standard map’. “This is not the first time China has done this. We reject this,” said a spokesman for Indian Foreign Minister Arindam Bagchi.

“Arunachal Pradesh has been and always will be an integral part of India,” Bagchi said.

Also read: China extends tax breaks to foreign workers

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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