Narendra Modi in Moscow and Vienna: Karl Nehammer wants to understand India “to some extent”.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi appeared before the press during his visit to Austria along with Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer. Nehammer specifically discussed Russia's war against Ukraine. Modi came to Vienna straight from a visit to Vladimir Putin. Austria and India presented themselves as potential bridge builders.

It landed on Tuesday night Hindu Nationalist Narendra Modi after one Visit to Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Moscow in Vienna. The visit was also visible in the center of Vienna: police helicopters, black limousines, parking bans and barriers are typical of the Ringstrasse.

Modi maintains good personal contacts with Putin and describes him in Moscow as a “good friend.” India has gotten more oil from Russia since Russia’s incursion into Ukraine, and Modi has always tried to push for diplomacy and dialogue. But he condemned Russia’s attack on a children’s hospital: If innocent children are killed, the pain would be “unbearable.”

From Moscow to Vienna

In Vienna, the newly re-elected Indian Prime Minister was first received by Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) in Schwechat, then he went to dinner with Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) – including a visit to St. Stephen's Cathedral.

On Wednesday morning, after a military reception and further discussions, there were the first press statements from Modi and Nehammer – questions from journalists were not allowed.

Nehammer agrees with EU

The Austrian Chancellor specifically addressed Russia's war of aggression. She stressed that she had coordinated with the EU before Modi's visit. Since Modi had just been with Putin, it was important for him. Assessment of Russia's intentions regarding the peace process to hear it, Nehammer said. However, the Chancellor did not say what assessment Modi would make.

Nehammer stressed India's importance “in the global south” and as “the world's largest democracy”. He was interested To understand India “to some extent”.to “know” the Indian perspective and convey Indian concerns to Europe.

“Peace process in accordance with the UN Charter”

Austria and India want to be “bridge builders”. They want the process to be “fair” and “perpetual peace in accordance with the UN Charter” to depart

On the other hand, Modi only addressed Ukraine in the last part of his speech and kept it general: He wants to focus on dialogue and diplomacy. Leave it for now. “not the war era” and conflicts cannot be resolved “on the battlefield.” He condemned the loss of innocent lives.

Here's the main reason for Modi's visit 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Austria and India in 1949. Nehammer emphasized India's assistance in negotiating the treaty.

Economic cooperation

In addition to the meeting with Nehammer, Modi's programme also includes the Indo-Austrian economic forum at the Hofburg. He will be received there in the afternoon by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen.

India is the world's most populous country with 1.4 billion people. The 73-year-old state guest will be accompanied by a delegation of about 120 people, including External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, advisers and business representatives.

So far most of the machinery and motor vehicles are exported to India from Austria. With bilateral Trading volume around 2.7 billion euros According to the Federal Chancellor, by 2023 India will become one of Austria's most important trading partners outside the EU.

The federal government and the Chamber of Commerce (WKO) see further potential and expect increased trade volumes at the economic forum. Nehammer and Modi announced further cooperation in the areas of renewable energy, hydrogen, exchange of skilled workers, science and culture, infrastructure and urban development.

Modi wished Nehammer and the Austrian people “best wishes” for the upcoming elections in the fall and invited the Chancellor to India.

Video: Indian Prime Minister Modi in Vienna

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