MUI: India must change | Republic online

The MUI calls for an investigation into Islamophobic practices in India.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) for Foreign Relations and International Cooperation, Professor Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim has proposed that there be an investigation into the practice of Islamophobia in India. This was conveyed following the incident of the destruction of homes and businesses belonging to the Muslim minority by the Indian rulers.

“As my call a few days ago, there must be a joint force or maybe it can be initiated by, for example, Indonesia or by civil society, to investigate these Islamophobic practices,” Professor Sudarnoto said. MUI Central Office, Friday (17/6/2022).

He explained that further data on Islamophobia will be collected India it can be an important report and information to raise as an international issue. Furthermore, MUI hopes that the perpetrators can be brought to justice in international tribunals.

He said even other minority groups, such as Christians in India, were already worried. So the problem in India is very serious indeed.

“That’s why what the local government party (the ruling party in India) did, which simply fired (party elements) was not enough, so concrete measures had to be taken,” he said. said Professor Sudarnoto.

He stressed that India must change, if it does not want to change there must be international pressure on India. Including civil society forces must put pressure on India.

Prof. Sudarnoto said MUI is preparing time to meet the Mufti of South Asia, at least with India. This agenda will include Hindu personalities, as not all Hindus are as extreme as in India.

“So in this way, I hope it will be part of our energy to participate in helping, especially for Muslims who are unlucky and even tend to get worse (in India),” he said. he declared.

He added that the MUI would also require Human Rights Enforcement (HAM) which has in fact become the mandate of the United Nations. For human rights to be truly respected in India.

He pointed out that while human rights are not enforced in India, several countries have now boycotted India. “I think Indonesia can boycott,” Professor Sudarnoto said.

Jordan Carlson

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