Modi secures third term in office in India

On Friday, Modi handed over a letter of support to the President of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), whose votes gave him a majority in parliament.

In this way, Modi can occupy his third position in a row in the most populous country in the world. The Hindu nationalist BJP lost its absolute majority in the lower house in parliamentary elections for the first time in ten years, but remains the strongest force. He won 240 of the total 543 seats in parliament. With its coalition partners – smaller regional parties – they won more than the 272 seats needed to form a government. Experts see unemployment as the main reason for the BJP's poor performance.

Hindu nationalist agenda

Modi said on Friday that his new government would focus on economic development and supporting the poor. During the election campaign, the BJP mainly relied on the cult of personality around Modi. This propagates a Hindu nationalist agenda that states that India should be a country only for the Hindu majority, who make up 80 percent of the population.

Under Modi's leadership, the country has become the fifth largest economic power in the world. However, only a small percentage benefit from this growth. According to official information, more than half of the population survives only on social assistance. Analysts point out that the popular voice is clearly calling for a course adjustment.

India's six-week general election ended on Saturday. More than 968 million people were called to vote. Modi's BJP is 32 seats short of achieving an absolute majority. In the 2019 election, he won 303 seats. The main opposition party, the Congress Party, received almost double the vote compared to the election five years ago and won 99 seats.

Ambrose Fernandez

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