Miss Universe Harnaaz Sandhu admits being bullied because of her weight

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Miss Universe 2021 Harnaaz Sandhou said he had gained weight since his coronation in December, but didn’t mind the change. The problem is that she is being bullied or bullied online.

“Physically I have grown, ballast I put on a few pounds, which I’m really comfortable with now,” the 22-year-old told People exclusively from her New York apartment.

“I was bullied for gaining weight,” Sandhu said, quoted Thursday, July 4, 2022. “It was a bit uncomfortable and it was very shocking to me to see how people started to think, which shouldn’t really matter. It’s not about your looks, it’s about who you are inside and how you treat people and whatnot. what do you believe.

The Indian-born beauty pageant winner says leading competition, diet and exercise is winning.

“I’m really focused on my goals and I [tidak] think about my health,” admits Sandhu. “All this time we trained, did so many activities, and after winning I had almost a month to relax.

“During that time, I actually didn’t exercise, and just ate and spent time with my family,” the former Miss Diva Universe said. “I never realized it would start showing up on my body.”

Some of the comments online are so cruel that they make Sandhu cry.

“I’ve been really crushed so many times,” admits Sandhu. “Sometimes at the most unexpected times. I’m about to go on stage or do something and it all comes to mind. It’s really sad.”

Sandhu is gaining weight but not feeling well, and a doctor diagnoses her with an allergy she has never heard of.

“I have a gluten allergy,” Sandhu shares. “I can’t eat wheat or anything that contains it. Also, I have a soy allergy too. [dan] coconut allergy.”

“I’m allergic to eggs and I realized that when I came to New York,” the model and actress said. “Because [telur dianggap] vegetarian and known as non-vegetarian in India. It took me a while to realize that the things I’m allergic to, I still experience them. I do not know.”

Now after the title holder Miss Universe The 70s include his health, his state of mind has changed.

“I went through a phase in my life where I felt bad about everything,” Sandhu said. “Now I’m starting to like everything. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be sad.”

The 22-year-old hopes sharing her story will help others struggling with body image and self-esteem.

“We are all imperfect,” said Harnaaz Sandhu. “We have to realize that there comes a time when we understand that we have to accept our flaws and when you do, you can conquer anything in this world.”


Also Read: Harnaaz Sandhu Skin Care Secrets Use Few Ayurvedic Products and Solutions

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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