Frankfurt (Oder) (dpa/bb) – After the reintroduction of permanent border controls, police found around 45 people entering the country without permission in Frankfurt (Oder) and in cities south of Brandenburg. A police spokesman said on Tuesday that 27 people were stopped on bridges in the city of Frankfurt and in surrounding districts. “There are 25 men and 2 women from Bangladesh, China, India and Syria.” In southern Brandenburg, police said they arrested Somalis, Syrians and Iranians, among others.
According to the Federal Police, the findings have a “clear link” to the reimposition of internal border controls. The unauthorized entry in southern Brandenburg was discovered as part of a “roving search of the operational area,” as explained by a police spokesperson. At Frankfurt (Oder), mobile control and new stationary control were successful. The new control guidelines expand the legal framework for control around border lines.
Following the police action, most people were taken to initial reception facilities. Two people who entered the country left the federal territory with a request to leave the country for Poland.
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