Meaning of football field independence: set the best example

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

The 77th Independence of the Republic of Indonesia has serious significance for Widodo Cahyono Putro. For him, it’s the right time for footballers to set the best example.

Today, Wednesday (17/8), Indonesia turns 77. During the pre-independence period, football became a unifying tool for the nation, but now football is often a tool to break the harmony.

For Widodo, footballers, whether players, coaches, club managers, federations or match officials are role models. Therefore, Widodo hopes that all elements of football will set a positive example for the community.

“Firstly, there is mutual respect between us, especially the fans. So I see that there are still fans here who are not friendly with each other. I hope that in the future, there will be more mutual respect and respect for each other,” Widodo says.

“Of course, players and coaches can set a good example, especially the match materials to set a better example so that Indonesian football is more advanced. Because we are the ones who will benefit from it,” he said. he continued.

It is not without reason that Widodo has focused on match equipment. In the Indonesian football competition, La Liga 1, there is still a lot of controversy. This problem should be minimized.

Widodo hopes that fan elements in Indonesia can respect and respect each other. (CNN Indonesia/Andry Novelino)

The former Indonesian national team player still believes that Indonesian football can be more developed. Achievement after achievement is always possible, as long as all the elements come together to elevate Indonesian football.

“For those of us who are in sport, especially in football, with this independence we will develop football further. Together, whoever is involved in our football, let’s make football move forward,” Widodo said.

Bhayangkara FC goalkeeper Awan Setho Raharjo hopes there will be no more colonialism in Indonesia. Now that we are independent, our unity and integrity must be well maintained, so that the opportunity of colonization cannot be realized in Indonesia.

“Let’s hope there will be no more colonialism. We must be independent. Moreover, it has been 77 years already, Indonesia should be more mature. arise and be more victorious,” he said.

“I can do even more, especially yesterday the U-16s won. I hope it can provoke the next ages, U-19s, U-23s, seniors,” said the goalkeeper who led the team. Indonesian National U-23 to win the AFF U-22 Cup 2019. the.

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Nurhidayat Haji Haris is another. For him, the celebration of the independence of Indonesia could be an impetus to raise nationalism. Each individual must be able to ignite the fighting spirit for the fatherland and the nation.

As a footballer, Nurhidayat’s lofty ideals to make the nation proud on the international stage. One of them is to keep the dream of bringing the Indonesian national team to the World Cup.

“Hopefully in the 77th year of independence, Indonesian football will be more advanced and hopefully in the following years it can go international and enter the World Cup,” said the player who plays the central defender.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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