Mauritius: fewer workers than Bangladesh

Mauritian industrialists seek labor in India rather than Bangladesh. The recent years of recruiting in this country will not yield good results according to them

2022 was a record year of imports of Bangladeshi workers, more than 5,000 of whom set foot on Mauritian soil to work in factories. Since the beginning of 2023, the flow has almost stopped.

Indian recruitment agency wins contract. Reason for this change: According to employers, workers in Bangladesh are unreliable. “After pocketing their plane tickets and work contracts, they disappear into the wild as soon as they arrive at the airport to go and take better paying jobs” admits the country’s ambassador in Mauritius.

There are more than 22,000 Bangladeshis in Mauritius, many of whom are illegal workers without contracts. The working conditions of these workers are very apprehensive. They are underpaid, poorly fed and poorly housed in overcrowded dormitories. This is very similar to the survival of indentured labor following the abolition of slavery.

Mauritius needs a workforce, the standard of living and education of Mauritians has increased, the birth rate has fallen sharply, hence the massive exit to immigration for the most difficult jobs.

Serena Hoyles

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