Open road. Mathieu Maynadier reached the top of Pic Meru (6600 m) in India by climbing the South side. The first. Tied with Italy’s Simon Gietl and Switzerland’s Roger Schäli, the mountaineers from Briançon reached the ridge on Saturday 13 May, we find out this Friday 19 May when the three of them returned to New Delhi. In 2019, Maynadier and Schäli failed in their attempt and vowed to return to this corner of the Himalayas to achieve sporting, physical and technical feats. This time, despite the cold, strong winds, piles of snow, ice, and the constant risk of avalanches, they did not back down.

For specialists, the ascent to Pic Meru is one of the most difficult in the world. On social networks, the mayor of Briançon Arnaud Murgia sent “congratulations” to the city’s ambassador, rejoicing that “French mountaineering and the great Briançon have good days ahead”.