Malaysia Reviews TikTok Store Closure, Here Are 5 Countries Enforcing TikTok Restrictions, JAKARTA – The plan to close the TikTok store extends to Malaysia. Not long ago, the neighboring country’s government said it was studying the basics of what Indonesia did by shutting down the original social commerce platform. China THE.

The Malaysian government will likely take similar measures to protect domestic companies from the alleged practices. Predatory pricing or selling at a loss on TikTok Shop and data security concerns.

Meanwhile, as reported by Sea Mashable and various sources, restrictions on TikTok have been implemented in several major countries for various reasons. However, the majority concerns security data.

Here are a number of countries that restrict TikTok:


On 4 April 2023, Australia banned all federal government devices from using the TikTok app, citing security concerns raised by the Department of Home Affairs.

According to Reuters, the ban appears to highlight Australia’s concern that China could use Beijing-based companies owned by ByteDance Ltd to harvest user data to advance its political agenda, to the detriment of security interests. Westerners.

It also risks reigniting diplomatic tensions between Australia and its largest trading partner, after things had eased somewhat since Prime Minister Anthony Albanese took office in May as leader of the Labor Party. Attorney General Mark Dreyfus said the ban would be enforced “as soon as possible.”


Just like Australia, Canada also banned all government mobile devices from downloading TikTok in February 2023. Mona Fortier, President of the Treasury Board, said the partial ban was because the app presented a unacceptable level of risk to privacy and security.

“Effective February 28, 2023, the TikTok app will be removed from government-issued mobile devices. Users of these devices will also no longer be able to download the app in the future. “After reviewing TikTok, Canada’s chief information officer determined that TikTok presented an unacceptable level of privacy and security risk,” Fortier said in a statement.


India retaliated in 2020, with a nationwide ban on TikTok and 58 other Chinese apps, for engaging in activities detrimental to India’s sovereignty and integrity, defense, security the State and public order of India.

The government imposed the ban following deadly border clashes between Indian and Chinese military forces. India is the largest country to completely ban the app.


The UK government has banned its ministers from using TikTok on mobile phones and desktop devices, following a review by the UK’s National Cyber ​​Security Centre.

Minister Oliver Dowden explained in a statement that the government’s decision was in line with similar restrictions put in place by key international partners.

“Given the potential for sensitive information to be stored on government devices, government policies regarding the management of third-party applications will be strengthened and a pre-emptive ban on TikTok on government devices will be implemented,” a statement said.

the united states of america

TikTok restrictions on the united states of america complicated walk. In March 2023, the United States asked Bytedance to sell TikTok or face a complete ban in the country. The United States has never imposed nationwide restrictions on any app, but is now considering whether to impose such restrictions on TikTok.

Federal agencies have been asked to remove the app from staff phones, and the White House already doesn’t allow TikTok on devices.

CEO Shou Zi Chew recently testified before Congress, defending the app and discussing “Project Texas,” the company’s initiative to protect user data in America. The future of TikTok in America is still in question.

On May 17, the Montana House of Representatives banned TikTok, allowing the app to become illegal if the state’s governor signs the law.

This bill would have significant consequences, including a statewide ban on the use of TikTok by individuals.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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