Lonar Crater Lake, a hidden cosmic wonder in Maharashtra

RIAU24.COM – There are many places in India that will make you fall in love with its beauty.

There are also many interesting and mysterious places in this country whose stories will leave you speechless. One of these places is India’s first crater lake and the third largest crater formation in the world. Lonar Lake, Bulandh District Maharashtra as old as time.

It’s a pretty healthy amalgamation of science, history, religion, and beauty. Since this body of water stores both alkaline and salt water, it makes it one of the best tourist spots in the world.

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This lake covers an area of ​​113 hectares.

As published by Weather Channel, one of the studies conducted by the India-Bombay Institute of Technology revealed that Lonar Lake’s soil minerals are very similar to those found in Moon rocks brought back during the Apollo program.

It’s no surprise that this crater lake is of extraterrestrial origin (No, not a UFO ET)! About 52,000 years ago, a large asteroid hit the ground in the Bulandh district of Maharashtra, making it the third largest crater formation in the world. To date, this crater is recorded as the largest basalt impact crater in the world.

However, there is another story around Lonar Lake. According to mythology, the lake was formed when Lonasura, a mythical demon was pushed into the afterlife by Lord Vishnu. This demon used to wreak havoc on the earth causing its misfortune.

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This geographical heritage site is often overlooked by travelers as people are confined to Aurangabad and other places. But there are very beautiful temples to visit. The famous one is the Daitya Sudan temple where the presiding deity is Lord Vishnu. Apart from this, one can also go to Ram Gaya Temple and Kamalaja Devi Temple to have a peaceful night.

The third largest crater formation in the world, Lonaire Lake

For wildlife lovers, it’s a feast for the eyes!

One can see and capture beautiful migratory birds such as weavers, red winged acacia, owls and other species like antelope, antelope, etc.

Trekking, day trips are also some of the other things tourists enjoy while traveling to this crater lake.

Cosmic trivia

  • According to scientists, an asteroid hit this basalt rock at a speed of 9000 km/h.
  • The average diameter of the crater is about 3900 feet or 1.2 km.
  • The oval shape indicates that the asteroid hit the area at an angle of 30 to 40 degrees.
  • Surprisingly, one will not find much vegetation around the lake due to its alkaline content.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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