Light and shadow on the ground with infinite difficulty

Overcrowded trains in Ghaziabad

A modern express train link will soon be built in the city.

(Photo: Reuters)

New Delhi India made itself pretty for the Federal Chancellor: the access road to the company’s site in the southern Indian city of Bangalore was only paved two days before Olaf Scholz’s visit, so the journey there was less bumpy for him and his business delegation.

Authorities in a nation of 1.4 billion saw an opportunity to make a favorable impression on India’s main trading partner in Europe – and they appear to have succeeded. On Sunday, SPD politician Scholz raved about the “high-tech nation of India” and the “impressive skills” he displayed during his company visit.

The chancellor saw enormous potential in India for the German economy: addressing Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he announced the day before the expansion of German investment in the country and was confident that German companies would “massively increase” their headcount in India. will.

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Ambrose Fernandez

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