Lherm. Great Indian music concert

The association founded and chaired by Jérôme Chaumié, violin teacher, held an Indian music concert at around 6pm on Saturday 1 September at the village church. This association is engaged in arts, education, social and solidarity. This “Raga” concert, which means scale in Indian classical music, literally took the public on the flying carpet for almost an hour before landing in a stunning finale. It comes in three parts. The first sequence was proposed by Sukhdev Mishra on the violin, who came from a family of famous musicians from Benarès. This is the time when he plays alone to tune well and visit all the notes of the scale. Then came Matthias Labbe, a French percussionist, who loves India, who studied tablas (Indian percussion) with a Master from Calcutta. This has the effect of giving rhythm to the soloist’s repetitive music and serves as the basis for improvising first at a slower rhythm, then more quickly ending in apotheosis.

Each improv ends with a created theme which is repeated three times. Indian musicians know the different “Raga” and rhythmic cycles. So they can play together without practice.

Jérôme Chaumié, whose master is Sukhdev Mishra, who has taught him this music since 2005, was part of the duo with his violin until the end of the concert, which wowed the audience. Already in 2013, the association “partage et culture Sarasvati” has started a concert at Bar Trucs which, with the arrival of the Mataganga Orchestra, has allowed the gathering of young musicians from the Cahors school of music and those from the Indian school. music from Rishikesh whose director is nothing more and nothing less than violinist Sukhdev Mishra.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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