Lavrov views the G20 summit as a success for Russia

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described the G20 summit declaration as a success for Moscow.

Thanks to the unity of southern countries, including host India, the summit could be prevented from “Ukrainization”, Lavrov said on Sunday in New Delhi.

Despite differences in content, the G20 agreed on a joint final declaration. However, efforts to combat climate change and hunger remain poor.

September 10, 2023 | 01:40 min

In contrast, the “honest and balanced” declaration was once again about the development of developing countries within the G20.

Southern countries are fed up of listening to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's “unrealistic” demands, Lavrov said. Last year at the G20 Summit in Bali (Indonesia), Zelenskyj appeared via video link, but not this time.

After their meeting, the G20 may agree on a final declaration. Ukraine criticized sharply, Chancellor Scholz defended the result.

September 10, 2023 | 08:00 minutes

The declaration shows that all G20 members are “interested in working together” and maintaining the format, the minister stressed. Russia previously stated that this was the most difficult negotiation in the history of the G20.

Lavrov said that in the end he himself had a hand in drafting the wording. However, Western sanctions against Russia, which Lavrov condemned as “illegal” and “unilateral”, were not mentioned at all.

Developing countries are tired of talking about war, reports Ulf Röller from the G20 Summit. “Stronger condemnation of Russia is impossible,” said the ZDF correspondent.

September 9, 2023 | 01:55 min

The final document no longer expressly condemns Russia for its war against Ukraine. The conflict over Ukraine was only mentioned as an example of the importance of resolving crises in general, said Lavrov, who represents Kremlin President Vladimir Putin.

In the past, Russia has launched missile and drone attacks on energy infrastructure in Ukraine. The background to the Nord Stream attack remains unclear.

The G20 summit in New Delhi ended in compromise. The final declaration did not condemn Russia's war against Ukraine. Russia sees this as a success.

September 10, 2023 | 01:22 min

Lavrov told journalists that today the West is losing its “supremacy” in the world and the multipolar world order is gaining strength.

This summit was a success for India because it was committed to strengthening the southern region. The declaration contains everything to achieve a balance of interests in the global economy; But the road there is still long, Lavrov said.

Ambrose Fernandez

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