Ketum PB Perbakin Hopes Pengprov Perbakin Wins More Shooting Championships

Report by reporter Abdul Majid

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – President PB PerbakinLieutenant General (retired) Joni Supryanto said one of the good things about bringing out quality athletes is to compete more often.

According to him, the competition not only improves the ability of the athletes in shooting, but also sharpens the mental and physical aspects of the athletes, which is much needed in the international championships.

“There are no particular exercises because we practice all year round. The best training is therefore the fight. So when we organize matches every month, both at the central level and in the regions, there is also one. Athletes can compete once or twice a month. They can improve their performance there because during a game you need good skills, mentally and physically,” Joni said when he was re-elected as Ketum. PB Perbakin at the shooting range PB PerbakinSenayan, Jakarta, Saturday (12/17/2022).

“This sport, which knows no culture, is different from other sports. It is skill, when athletes can master reliable skills, we can control everything, great ambition,” he continued.

For this reason, the man from Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta also asked the para Pemprov Perbakin focus on developing quality shooting athletes by organizing many championships,

Later, quality shooting athletes will be sent to Jakarta for joint training camp PB Perbakin supported by trainers and a more complete infrastructure.

“The central management has no athletes, the athletes come from the provinces and clubs. So the more regions that will organize competitions and matches to regenerate the athletes, the more athletes will be sent to Jakarta for practice,” Joni said.

“Because in Jakarta there are coaches and a good training system, a good tool to improve performance. Not all regions have good facilities and infrastructure except the areas that have held the PON,” he continued.

Additionally, Joni said creating quality shooting athletes cannot be instantaneous.

In fact, he learned from the shooting federation of India which has successfully produced world class shooting athletes.

“There is no instant sports coaching, everything is over time. So there’s no short term, the shot is long, fostering the sport is not something that suddenly develops today tomorrow, so it’s not necessarily there,” Joni said.

“I spoke to the president of the Indian Shooting Federation, he said that to be able to make an athlete a world champion, it takes nine years and in his country shooting is an educational calendar. So if there is a competition there can be one issue per week because there are too many participants. When there are many participants, you have more choice, “he concluded.

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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