Jeka Saragih undergoes intensive training in the United States ahead of UFC 280 Abu Dhabi

In the land of Uncle Sam later, Jeka will be trained directly by Marc Fiore.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Mola facilitates Jeka Saragih attend intensive training in San Diego, USA, in preparation for the event cfu 280 Abu Dhabi in October 2022. The fighter with the nickname “The Kick of Death” will face a South Korean fighter, Ki Won Bin.

Jeka Saragih is the first Indonesian MMA athlete to make the Road to UFC semi-finals. Previously, Jeka managed to knock out Indian fighter Pawaan Maan in the first round of Road to UFC in June 2022. This preparation should bring Jeka to a bigger stage.

“Mola is determined and consistent in pushing local potential onto the world stage. This intensive training in the United States is not only designed to prepare Jeka for the next fight, but also to develop him into a world-class Mixed Martial athlete. Mola,” MOLA representative Mirwan Suwarso said in his statement. , Friday (8/19/2022).

“In collaboration with Pride MMA, we have prepared the best coaching staff for Jeka. I hope we can hone our skills and accelerate Jeka’s international achievements,” he added.

In Uncle Sam’s Land later, Jeka will be trained directly by Team Wrestling USA’s Marc Fiore who is experienced in creating tough fighters and UFC winners, as well as the Jiu Jitsu black belt holder. , Jacob Buracker who will also manage the entire training program.

“This coaching team was chosen considering many factors including skills and time. The collaboration between Mola and One Pride MMA for the preparation of Jeka Saragih is a good signal for Mixed Martial Arts Indonesia and is the first step for both parties to develop MMA sports in Indonesia Indonesia,” said One Pride MMA CEO Fransino Tirta.

Jeka expressed his gratitude for the precious opportunity to be able to practice intensively in a country that has the best mixed martial arts ecosystem in the world. “I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to train in America and I’m determined to make the most of it. My focus is on proving that I can win the UFC contract and make Indonesia proud,” Jeka said.

Additionally, the General Chairman of the Indonesian Martial Sports Committee (KOBI), Ardi Bakrie, expressed his joy at the positive activities carried out by Mola in conjunction with One Pride MMA.

“Jeka’s victory has aroused the passion and greatly increased the interest of the Indonesian people in martial arts, especially mixed martial arts. Hopefully, Jeka’s hard work in intensive training in the United States will succeed in writing a new history of Indonesian MMA,” Ardi said. .

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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